You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because
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When you’re riding, it’s essential to listen closely to your bicycle for valuable feedback. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because, Which is the most common cause of traffic crashes?, You are involved in an accident and another person is injured. All passengers on a motorcycle must. Mar 5, 2023 · User: You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because Weegy: You should always be cautious when passing a bicycle because: the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. Score 1User: What may help drivers conserve gasoline. Score 1 User: What may help drivers conserve gasoline Dec 29, 2023 · Cycling is a fun and rewarding activity, whether as transport, exercise, or just a means for socializing. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: The driver on the right has the right-of-way. Here are the steps to safely pass a bicycle: 1. , 2. Term. Read More. Stat. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: A) You are moving faster than the bicycle. Your bike can tell you a lot about its condition and how well it’s performing. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 66% of all “preventable Nov 8, 2023 · Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: a. The question asks for the reason why one should be cautious when passing a bicycle. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because:, 17 . If you need to navigate, stop at a safe place at the roadside and do it. 1. Mar 6, 2023 · User: You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because Weegy: You should always be cautious when passing a bicycle because: the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because it ensures the safety of both the cyclist and yourself as a driver. 3 things to do before you pass a bicycle on the road. 60-6, 133 You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like you should be cautious when passing bicycle because:, If you reach an intersection where you wish to turn but you are not in the proper lane, you should: quickly cut across traffic to make your turn OR drive to the next intersection and make your turn then, You may drive across a dashed white line: and more. Click the Aug 9, 2023 · 1. 13 of 37. d. When meeting a car with blinding headlights, you should:, 21 . You should: and more. 3. Regardless of the availability of a bike lane, if you are passing vehicles on the right, you should practice extra caution. You arrive at the same time as a vehicle to your right. Eliminating distractions in the driver's seat will allow you to pay better Drivers turning right on red should look to the right and behind to avoid hitting a bicyclist approaching from the right rear. 083: Overtaking and Passing, the law states a motorist must pass a bicyclist by no less than 3 feet. Asked 7/14/2022 10:46:41 PM. If you go at 25km/h (7m/s), that's a whopping 21m. Phones take up too much of our attention and too much of our lives as it is. check. 1 of 50. You should and more. You are moving faster than the bicycle B. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because:* *You are moving faster than the bicycle. Score 1 User: What may help drivers conserve gasoline You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road, When meeting a car with blinding headlights May 12, 2023 · question. Drivers aren't expecting someone to come zooming down the street when making a right turn. About Quizlet; You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. Jul 14, 2022 · Weegy: You should always be cautious when passing a bicycle because: the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. The campaign educates motorists about Florida Statute 316. Put down your phone for the duration of the drive to limit your distractions. Apr 13, 2024 · When passing a bicycle, it’s important to maintain a safe distance of at least 3 feet. Bikes are small, slow, and vulnerable, so give cyclists extra space when overtaking. Do not force them into parked vehicles or off the road. Montana: Mont. ( Check what the law May 7, 2018 · As a driver sharing the road with cyclists, you need to be aware of your surroundings at all times. When it is safe to change lanes. Expert answered| julyaselin |Points 14736| Log in for more information. This is because bicycles are generally considered to have the right of way in bike lanes and on the road. C. Also avoid getting on a bike if you are taking prescription or over-the-counter medications that cause drowsiness or confusion. The League's model law recognizes that the 3 foot standard, while useful, can be improved. About Quizlet; How Passing a bicyclist should only be done when safe to do so. May 9, 2022 · You should always be cautious when passing a bicycle because: the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. You must yield for emergency vehicles: Log in for more information. Sep 8, 2023 · Navigating bicycle lanes can be confusing for both cyclists and drivers alike. Obey the speed limit, reduce speed for road conditions and drive defensively to avoid a crash with a cyclist. oncoming traffic may not see you pull out to pass. . Choose matching definition. Passing carefully helps keep bicyclists safe. If You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. So, you need to signal when you are still still 3 seconds away from the pedestrians. The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. Driving at a reduced speed also helps bicyclists feel safer on the road. Mar 31, 2020 · Passing on the right. Rev. You are moving faster than the bicycle. Nov 7, 2017 · When passing a cyclist, remember to give at least three feet of room—the more room, the better. Some states legally require drivers to give four feet of space when passing. To avoid accidents and injuries, it is important to follow good safety practices, adhere to bicycle etiquette, and obey the rules of the road (because once you’re on it, you are traffic too). Leave the Phone Alone. 9. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: a. Expert answered| julyaselin |Points 14736|. If Right: A pickup truck cannot pass an edge-riding bicyclist within the same 10 foot wide travel lane. In 2018 there were 289,076 […] Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 8 . 90, §14; Ch. Each option is analyzed for its validity. At least 3 feet from the widest point of both the car and bicycle. 2024 North Carolina Permit Test 2. In the US, you need to ride your bike on the right side of the road. However, it is always important for both drivers and cyclists to be aware of their surroundings and use caution. Approach slowly, allow at least 3 feet clearance, and watch for hand signals. Riding a bicycle is a bit dangerous on its own, even before taking it out in traffic. This is to ensure that the bicyclist is protected. Wireless headsets have also been proven to distract drivers, even though they are hands-free. Know your speed limit when passing a bicyclist. When approaching a school bus stopped with its stop arm extended, drivers should:, 3. Regarding how many feet of clearance should be observed when passing a cyclist on the road, always make sure there’s a distance of 2 to 4 feet. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: Click the card to flip 👆. com Jun 24, 2016 · Never pass on the right; you may cause a collision. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like If you reach an intersection where you wish to turn, but you are not in the proper lane you should ?, You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because:, You may drive across a white dashed line when? and more. n Use a bicycle that fits you: u Select size: stand over the top of your bicycle—there should be 1-2 inches of clearance between you and the tube n (bar) and 5 inches of clearance if riding a mountain bike. ORG THE LEAGUE OF AMERICAN BICYCLISTS’ MODEL SAFE PASSING LAW State Statute Defined Distance Change Lanes to Pass if Available Driver may cross double-yellow Limited in Application Written for Bikes Last Change Massachusetts Ch. a cyclist may swerve into traffic. Advertisement. When approaching a school bus stopped with its stop arm extended, drivers should: You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: A. Prioritizing safety is crucial for both the cyclist and the driver. Mar 5, 2023 · You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because. *The bicycle always has the right-of-way. The bicycle always has the right-of-way. Asked 330 days ago|5/9/2022 3:51:31 AM. Assure Bicycle Readiness. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because:, You may drive across a dashed white line:, If you reach an intersection where you wish to turn but you are not in the proper lane, you should: and more. Give it rest while on your bike. If you drive too close to the bicycle, the rider might be forced to the walkway, hit pedestrians, or even parked cars. 9364. Code Anno. You should always be cautious when passing a Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because:, When traveling on a multilane roadway with traffic moving in opposite directions, how should drivers use the shared center lane?, At an intersection with a yield sign, you should: and more. BIKELEAGUE. CLEAR – they should define a minimum safe passing distance with an easy to remember standard that can be communicated in public Oncoming traffic may not see you pull out to pass the bicycle. Be cautious of uneven or slippery surfaces. This will optimize traction and stability. Question. D) The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. c. At the same time, shift your body weight to the outside pedal, which should be in the 6 o’clock position. Mar 7, 2023 · User: You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because Weegy: You should always be cautious when passing a bicycle because: the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because, Be prepared, be cautious, Which side yields to which side and more. At least 2 feet from the widest point of both the car and bicycle. When entering a highway from an entrance ramp, you should generally: May 9, 2022 · You should always be cautious when passing a bicycle because: the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. It’s important not to make any sudden lane changes or movements that could startle the motorcyclist or lead to an accident. A driver who is taking a non-prescription drug should: and more. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid on the road. the cyclist may swerve into traffic. Don't know? 27 of 37. Also, a motorist may not execute a right-hand turn in front of a cyclist without leaving a safe distance. 1 / 3. A note to LA bike riders from someone who drives his car on the daily: Ride with the direction of traffic when riding on the street. When they do, you need to be sufficiently far away to still come to a stop without accident. Updated 7/14/2022 11:05:57 PM. You should always be cautious when passing a bike because the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. While you may assume the right-of-way because you are on a bicycle and are in the appropriate area of the street, passing cars may be oblivious to your presence. User: 9 . Wear a Helmet. ( MCL 257. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because:, When passing other vehicles:, An intersection has no traffic signs or signals. If a lane is wide enough that a car and bike can ride together, with several feet of space between the two, cyclists should ride on the right side of passing cars. Score 1 User: What may help drivers conserve gasoline You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because. We have all had bad bike wrecks that did not involve cars; however, most bike deaths involve a motor vehicle. In this article, we will guide you through the rules and regulations surrounding bicycle lane entry. When passing a bicyclist, drivers must slow to a reasonable speed and keep the right edge of their vehicle (including the mirror) at least three feet to the left of the overtaken bicycle and its rider. If worried, nervous, angry, or crying, a driver: You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because. When approaching a school bus stopped with its stop arm extended, you should Dec 8, 2023 · Yes, in many cases, cars are required to yield to bicycles when turning right. You should always be cautious when passing a bicycle because the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. Passing Score 40. Reduce Your Speed. By staying calm, keeping a steady speed, and riding in Sep 14, 2022 · You should always be cautious when passing a bicycle because: the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. <br /> Option C highlights the risk of oncoming traffic not What is the safest way to pass the bicyclist?, A double solid yellow line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:, As a pedestrian, you should: and more. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because:, 2. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid and object on the road. To combat high accident rates, there are rules for passing a bicycle you must abide by, such as the distance between your vehicles and the cyclist ahead. Score . <br /> Option B is incorrect because the right-of-way is situational and not always with the bicycle. The minimum pavement width required for safe passing by a truck, landscaping trailer, or bus is 16 feet. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: Feb 6, 2020 · First you use your eyes and ears, and then you use your feet. Stop completely and look left-right-left and behind before turning right on red. *The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. the bicycle always has the right of way. The bicycle always has the right of way C. Slow down: Reducing your speed gives you more time to react to any unexpected movements from the cyclist. When passing a bicyclist: Allow them at least 3 feet of space. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because. Number of Question 37. The following questions are from real DMV written tests. Lean your bike into the turn while keeping your body relatively upright. Original conversation. Apr 25, 2024 · Listen to Your Bike. Passing Score 32. Nebraska: Neb. I see people riding the wrong way down a major street and you are just waiting to get nailed. , When approaching a school bus stopped with BICYCLE FRIENDLY STATES - SAFE PASSING LAWS Learn more at WWW. b. Oncoming traffic may not see you pull out to pass the bicycle. Question|Asked by cameron p. 2. 602 b (1), (12) (a) and (13)) Ride on the right. Motorists are not allowed to throw objects Jul 4, 2013 · When passing a bicyclist, a motorist must obey the Michigan distracted driving laws which prohibit drivers from using a hand-held cell phone or mobile electronic device to: (1) talk on the phone; (2) text; (3) watch or record videos; and (4) post to and engage on social media. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: A. What minimum distance should a driver maintain between her car and a bicyclist when they pass on a road way or in a bike lane? A. you are going faster than the bicycle. Ensure Proper Size and Function of Mar 23, 2024 · You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: A) You are moving faster than the bicycle. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because Check your mirrors, signal, and look over your right shoulder for eh vehicles before changing lanes The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road Proper Size and Function of Bicycle. a. *Oncoming traffic may not see you pull out to pass the bicycle. Take your foot off the accelerator, slow down, then ease You should be cautious passing a bicycle because. Number of Question 50. Explanation. If the travel lane is not wide enough for a driver to pass a bicyclist with the required three-foot or greater gap while in that same lane, the Jul 22, 2023 · Approach corners at a reduced speed, allowing you to maintain control throughout the turn. 89, §2 "safe distance" Somewhat Ordinances that increase the safety of cyclists by regulating the conduct of motor vehicle operators define the “safe” distance for passing a cyclist as 3 feet for cars and 6 feet for trucks. and more. B. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because:, When approaching a school bus stopped with its stop arm extended, drivers should:, A driver who is taking a non-prescription drug should: and more. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: You are moving faster than the bicycle. Understanding when it is permissible to enter a bicycle lane is crucial in ensuring the safety of cyclists and maintaining the flow of traffic. . , § 61-8-320. About us. 0 Answers/Comments. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like While driving on a two-lane road without bicycle lanes, you encounter a bicyclist traveling in the same direction. wear a helmet. Interactive Bicycle Trip Planning Tool The Bike Broward Bicycle Route Planner interactive bicycle trip planning tool is the best way to map out your bike routes throughout Broward County. Number of Tests 22. Expert answered| Grace12 |Points 14596|. Oncoming traffic may not see you pull out to pass the bicycle D. C) Oncoming traffic may not see you pull out to pass the bicycle. The majority of states that have chosen to define a "safe distance" between a passing motor vehicle and a person on a bicycle have chosen 3 feet as an acceptable passing distance. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: A. Each permit practice test question has three answer. This answer has been confirmed as correct and Just as you should never drive a car while under the influence, don't ride a bicycle after consuming recreational drugs or alcohol. To pass a cyclist safely, do these three things when you drive by: Go the speed limit or slow down to pass a bicycle. Never underestimate road conditions. By being cautious, you can prevent accidents, respect the cyclist's space, and abide by traffic laws. Overtake and pass a person riding a bicycle only when the operator of the motor vehicle can do so safely without endangering the person riding the bicycle. Above: The minimum pavement width for safe passing of a bicyclist by most cars, SUVs and pickup trucks is 14 feet. B) The bicycle always has the right-of-way. The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road 50 Multiple choice questions. If you’re in a bike lane on the street, still watch for cars: In most states, motorists must merge into the bike lane before turning right. When passing someone riding a bike, you must keep at least 3 feet of distance between your vehicle and the bicyclist. a minimum of 4 seconds. Sometimes pedestrians simply move in the wrong direction. the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the. It is our hope that the model law will make it easier for safe passing laws Oct 25, 2023 · When being approached by a motorcycle from behind, drivers should maintain their lane position and speed, allowing the motorcycle to complete the passing maneuver. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because, When approaching a school bus stopped with its stop arm extended, drivers should, A driver who is taking a non-prescription drug should and more. When approaching a school bus stopped with Sep 11, 2023 · When driving near bicycles on the road, you must pass them cautiously. Additionally, make sure to follow the speed limit and only pass when it’s safe to do so. Safe passing laws that provide a defined distance for motorists overtaking a bicyclist are a clear response to the threat that overtaking motorists pose to bicyclists. The NHTSA advises to drive defensively, but do not underestimate the speed of the cyclist. Alternatively, consider using a bike phone mount to secure the mobile phone on the handlebars. A fully loaded tractor-trailer traveling at 55 mph could take up to ____ to come to a complete stop. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. 200 feet. , When approaching a school bus stopped with Jun 24, 2016 · Never pass on the right; you may cause a collision. By paying attention to the sounds it makes, you can detect any potential issues and address them before they become major problems. Your body gets You should be cautious passing a bicycle because. If You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: Answers. <br /> Option A suggests that the speed difference between a car and a bicycle requires careful passing. When approaching a school bus stopped with its stop arm extended, drivers should: DMV Study Set for License! Get a hint. Try to get out of the aggressive driver's way. User: You should be cautious when passing a bicycle becauseWeegy: You should always be cautious when passing a bicycle because: the cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. Take the lane when needed. turn on your headlights so other drivers can see your vehicle. Maintain a Space of at Least Four Feet. Mar 23, 2022 · 19. At least 1 foot from the widest point of both the car and bicycle. Pass a bicyclist at a safe speed. Log in for more information. Sep 5, 2023 · Leave a safe distance when passing the bicycle, and maintain clearance until safely past the overtaken bicycle. D. Protect Your Head. When approaching a school bus stopped with its stop arm extended, drivers should: Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because a. These are some of the actual permit questions you will face in North Carolina. To have maximum effect these laws should be: 1. See full list on epermittest. hiowzebbfptarxsckrrd