Why do nurses leave their jobs reddit

Nursing is a hard job but honestly most jobs are hard and suck. zzzxxx1209381. And yet the public still views nurses as a profession that don't really have much medical knowledge - they can just do IVs and take vital signs. Some people would make the opposite choice. I have the resources to quit without a job lined up but I'm to afraid to do so. I want to quit my job so bad but I have started my family. You can explore the area on your day off. I know nurses are burnt out and they are not to blame, the hospital are to blame, I just want to go to work and do my job. In my experience it's because they're the ones who tell the patients or family members about the DA and either hint about it or straight up ask them to fill out the paperwork. As far as I’m concerned, the med surg floor nurses are the basasses. I complained about a nurse at my IUI clinic because she was awful to me on the phone (similar situation) and my doctor was shocked when he found out. A community for nurses. A lead author of the study, Christopher Friese, said When you have no education, you're ignorant, but usually somewhat humble. Then, "this writer". I feel like I shouldn't leave to find another job while pregnant then expect to take 6 weeks off at a new job when if I stay I can take a full 12 weeks off when the baby is born. Like with more advanced nurses, common causes for leaving include stressful working conditions, lack of leadership and supervision, and understaffed facilities. I know 3 locum nurses who have been doing nursing 6-10 years and they are leaving to retrain because I think after that time they Insurance companies hire nurses, though from what I’ve heard they can be a little harder to break into since they’re so competitive with how many apply. I actually like what I do. Like any other group, if you work and plan and organize TOGETHER, you can make major strides. I'm trying to figure out if I hate nursing, or if I just need a change of pace and environment. I'm expected to do everything at a godly pace and I get shit on if A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. The NHS does huge recruitment drives in foreign countries to facilitate the influx. it really is discouraging to have an interviewer not even show up. I get zero respect, I get shit on by all the management and physicians for everything even if it's out of my control. A nurse who was in her 30’s was bullying me because she was the experienced nurse and I was new. Posted by u/1010111111 - 43 votes and 100 comments Nurses do pretty much everything. Nurse bullies fall into 2 camps: firstly, the 20 year veteran who never made sister and cannot understand why she's been overlooked and secondly, the nurse who switches rapidly from department to department and There are a number of MPH programs that are 12 months. I need to know why you're all up in your coworkers business and how you know that the other patients on the unit haven't had them on for weeks. However, like everything in life, it depends. Instead, they’re soliciting patients for monetary donations. I will say though that most OR nurses I’ve worked with have been wonderful. 4. They cannot be reprimanded for missing lunch. I recently started as a pharmacy technician while I’m still in nursing school and I’ve come to appreciate my 12 hour clinical shifts in school. Doris Grinspun, CEO of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario, says nurses have fought through fear, exhaustion and pressure after almost two years of working during the pandemic Everyone is venting. I'm done ranting, I think. After 3 months of recharging and focusing on my family, I found a very short staffed LTAC that was very happy to get me, now at $47/hr working PRN. If anyone gets pissed because something like what you’ve listed isn’t done, that’s on the nurse, not you. But, in many places they do. Also, anyone in scrubs regardless of their actual training/certification gets lumped into the category "nurse" in some people's minds. This is Reason #1 why the nursing profession hasn’t improved, whether it is pay or other conditions, benefits etc. There's only so long you can work your arse off, get paid below market rate and be called worthless before you just say fuck it. Unfortunately, critical thinking is being trained OUT of nurses. Hospitals get visas if they keep staff bare bones crew. I used to feel like I was pretty good at my job. You'll be fine. You will see them in their worst of times. Education, informatics, research, clinics, school nursing, public health. It doesn’t mean boomer nurses eating 20 year old nurses. 19–21 Researchers posit that effective nurse leaders develop comprehensive strategies and facilitate positive work environments that retain experienced nursing staff. Comfort with computer programs and an RN you can do work with your state or county DOH doing contract tracing if nothing else. Once I graduated I felt like there was a lot of pressure to work at a hospital near by in their nurse residency program on a med surge unit. If it's not in your contact you don't have to do it. You might get lucky, you might not. 1. Plus nurses need to be able to help patients, which requires knowing a great deal about medicine. Pros: money (obviously), vacation time is guaranteed if it's in your contract, you can set ratio limits (not as common now because of the large amount of travel nurses), you get to decide where you want to go (within reason), no mandatory meetings/OT etc. Yeah it’s not hard to understand why someone would rather “shake their ass” in the comfort of their home than be on their feet for 12 hours, cleaning up bodily fluids, getting yelled at for things out of their control, etc. So i've been a nurse for 1 year but can't seem to find a job since leaving my last position. Leijinga. Nevertheless, when nurses are understaffed on a regular basis, it can amplify their stress levels and make many of the things listed above even New nurse struggling - already want to leave bedside. This was my first year as a nurse and wow have I been publicly shamed over paperwork, talked about behind my back, everything. Massachusetts announced last month that hospitals there will reduce non-urgent procedures because of rising covid cases and staff shortages. Some stay, but many are also leaving and becoming wiser to the shit-show that is our current situation. : Nurses within the first 5 years of their career is a significant symptom of the larger challenges in nursing. I'm considering doing L&D since I'm planning on starting a family. As of the end of July i will not be NMC registered. When you know a moderate amount (nurses), you think you know everything because you haven't learned enough to know what the most educated people know. Former nurses of Reddit, what are you doing now? Nurses who left the field, what made you leave and what are you doing now? I'm seriously at a crossroads. Nurse enrollment is on the decline. They are typically as knowledgeable as the doctors they "assist" and often perform the tests that doctors prescribe. If I like the creator, I’m happy for them when they get to the point they can quit their day job. Since quitting, she has been sensitive to the criticism many nurses like her have faced Why do nurses eat their young, in 2022? Its taken me about 2. I got fed up with being undervalued, underpaid and harassed by various levels of management. Hence, fostering the prosperity of other entities is essential for maintaining the value of money. And juggle 6 or 7 patients and keep them all straight in their brains. The MPH being a strictly 2 year degree changed about 6 years ago when 12 month programs started to pop up. Med students are an easy target. Nurses are easy targets because we're not only the face of the hospital, but we're traditionally women and lower on the totem pole than doctors. Good luck in finding your fit, you can do it! Money and life circumstances. A total of 833 nurses at a university hospital responded to two mailed, work-environment questionnaires (Quality Work Competence and Huddinge University Hospital Model Questionnaire). Nursing school encompassed hard sciences, assessment, proper procedures, sterile technique, case management, and sometimes (it felt like) therapy. I still occasionally see, "this nurse", but I think they want us to use writer because we are using more and more MAs. 15 years ago, I remember nursing students being warned that burnout was a thing. I've talked to plenty of nurses in person who don't care what the pay is, they're tired of everything the hospital sends their way. All of that ^ is true in ANY profession. About 39% of nurses in Michigan said in the study that they plan to leave their job in the next year. Like others have said, there's plenty of outpatient jobs in nursing or even non-clinical jobs and not working bedside doesn't make you any less of a nurse. Maybe they're the ones who consider a job there to be "coveted. Not all nurses hate their jobs. They are basically just a convenient uniform not serving any particular purpose. All through school I wanted to be an ER nurse. As covid-19 cases spiked in their areas, hospitals also have hired per diem nurses and retired nurses. I’m sure some nurses like their job, but they are the exception from my experience. This was ultimately one of my biggest deciding factors and why I still decided to go to nursing school. Cons consist of very hard work, bullying, and lack of respect. They sacrifice time with their families, are expected to always be available, often travel as part of their jobs (which is not glamorous at all) are sometimes the first to be let go when a downsize occurs because they make more, often have to relocate for promotions and then after The primary reason medical personnel don't let you sleep is usually that they need to be able to gauge how you're functioning. I graduated nursing school in December and have been working as an RN since February. I quit my first job COVID med/surg unit (making $24/hr!!)after 5 months due to changes in my husband’s work and I’m so glad I did. But there are awesome jobs, easy jobs, great paying jobs, great hospitals w/great benefits. Coworkers truly makes a huge difference between being miserable or enjoying your job. . Travel nurses can now make around five times the hourly rate they made as a staff nurse. Above all else you deserve respect and not to be talked down to. Once you can carry your own somewhat in the OR, I find they leave you alone. I could never. The patients who need help are not in the best of moods, they are in pain. By Shannon Pettypiece. 5 years to fully realize that at my first nursing job (adult ICU), I was the victim of workplace bullying from my preceptors and coworkers. " That’s not to say I hate nursing. Now they are finding foreign nurses and can work them cheaper then threaten deportation if they don't comply. Anyway congrats again. I wish all the best to nurses. I'm an ER nurse, I frequently work with the psych patients that come in Many new nurses leave their first job after 1 year. They know so SO much. Here are some ideas: 1) find friendly people, 2) look for another position, and 3) stay in the job for 1 year and then find a new job. Why do some nurses make it so hard to leave. Tosyn_88. It's a mentally draining, high pressure, tough job and there's no wonder many nurses leave the field and not that many people wanna do it. But for the past two months or so, I can’t handle anything. Hours are much more typical (8-5 type stuff, no weekends). We must figure out why nurses leave, what interventions work, and what has changed in the past 10 years in retention efforts. Nurses do lose their licenses—my BON has a quarterly newsletter and lists anyone by name, license #, city of residence, and state of licensure, who has had action take by the BON against their license. The specific reason for the action isn’t listed, just the nature of the disciplinary action. So “nurses eating their young” means experienced nurses eating new nurses. Nurses eating their young instead of building them up. Then, "this nurse". Everybody has their own incentives for working at places, though. The COVID-19 pandemic raised awareness about inappropriate nurse staffing and may accelerate this dangerous cycle. As a nursing student, I absolutely acknowledge that nursing is not an easy field, it has a lot of issues, the pay can be bleh, etc. You're young and jobs are out there. 6 months in, and suddenly you'll get more callbacks so you may leave a job were not thrilled about in the beginning for a better one. I've worked an ICU where were we all worked together as a time and could have fun even with very sick patients. This is a hospital People in general are trashy morons, and doctors and nurses have to deal with sick and injured liars and trashy morons and people with light bulbs stuck up their ass every day. I'm a seasoned IR nurse looking for some change. 100%. But after covid hit, travel nurses became a vital tool to help hospitals cope with caring for waves of virus patients. Rates of burnout, job dissatisfaction, poor patient outcome, and patient mortality rates increase when one nurse is required to care for more than 4 patients. Plus, network with others outside of the hospital to find a hospital that is supportive. I’ve experienced a lot of cool things by virtue of having my license. I'm sure that's why a lot of nurses leave. Nurses have been complaining about staffing issues for years. •. A busy/good nurse will tell you " hey so-so needs xxyz". Ask them if you can drop to PRN status, if you don’t need the job. Lol am one of those consultants, left NHS because I got sick of being seen as 'one of those useless managers' earning a pittance. You’d be looking for a “research nurse” position. Management/leadership is really a tough road because your ability to transform work environment and culture is limited by what executive leadership allows you to do. Often these nurses lucked into a decent job, but 95% of nursing jobs are shit from my experience. 22 It is imperative that nurse leaders identify the preventable That’s BS. The NLC greatly increases the supply of available nurses, particularly during a potential union strike, which ultimately harms nurses' bargaining power and ability to advocate for better working conditions. Those factors get amplified for nurses still familiarizing themselves with the demands of the job. We have a one year old and one on the way. Eventually, I find myself running 5 to 1 with a vented patient, 3 acute strokes, and a STEMI almost every day and the unit is hemorrhaging nurses like there is no tomorrow, and it becomes a constant vicious circle of understaffing--->overworked nurses quit --> understaffing. Incentives in this country always help the 1% get wealthier at the cost of the other 99%. With alarming rates of up to 33% of new nurses leaving the workforce within the first two years, the (not so) great escape alg45160. In all fairness, employers can’t always predict when a nurse will become sick or fail to show up for a shift. Nobody wants to hear your honest answer during the interview. They feel disrespected and underpaid (residents work 80hour weeks and make 50kish a year, nurses with much less education are getting paid more than them for less work) they're getting calls for stupid things when there is so much to be done and people aren't doing their jobs. if i'm lucky and the interviewer It’s a totally different pace/intensity compared to bedside nursing (less overall patient contact for sure). I'm sure they have a good reason. I know many people who left an acute care job because co-workers were angry and unfriendly. Other top reasons for leaving included a stressful work environment, lack of good management or leadership, inadequate staffing, and finding better pay/benefits elsewhere. The worst part? Nurses aren’t going to see a dime of it. My hospital (I’m also a patient) has decided not to give Nurses Week gifts. It’s the constant charting, unrealistic job expectations, and verbally aggressive patients that you can’t help them to understand why you’re not meeting their expectations on demand that suck. If the patients ask for water or other similar things a good nurse will do them and not leave a patient laying in piss. Seniors and people with chronic illness are sometimes hard to please or communicate with, and LTC nurses take on enormous responsibility of assisting, taking care and talking to a lot patients on a day to day basis. Pay is pretty solid. red___dragon1. I can't find any job as an RN despite experience. Ultimately, your compensation, benefits, and working conditions depend in large part on both supply and collective bargaining power. I'd rather have a supportive work environment for $36/hr than spend 36 hours a week terrified because of awful ratios or lack of support for $40/hr. The good nurses just do their jobs and accept compliments quietly. If you don’t like your first job, move to a different one. As demand grew, so did the wages travel nurses could command — tempting many staff nurses to quit their jobs in favor of travel gigs. Mandate every third weekend as their shift if you have to, but let people pick their shifts within reason. With 12 hour shifts you don’t really because you know you’re going to be there for a while so time seems to pass by quicker. Let the nurses do their jobs. It’s better than what most people get. Those of you who worked as registered nurses in the United States and are leaving the bedside…what are you doing instead? Are you using your license or changing careers altogether? Maximize your admin AND nursing background. Personality/culture clashes. It helps so much. Aug 25, 2023 · Unsafe staffing persists in job dissatisfaction among nurses and is shown as one of the most common reasons nurses leave their current positions. The fact is that being at almost any job sucks because your arent with your family, close friends, or doing what you like with your time. The share of nurses who cited burnout as a There is also rampant nurses eating their young, power tripping docs, abusive patients and families, PTSD, unsafe staffing, and the toll it takes on your body. Im a m/s icu nurse, and I can tell you there’s no way I could do what the med surg nurses do. Then you can list them as a current employer and avoid any negative perceptions. But on average, burnout is higher than many other professions The health care industry has no work life balance. Scrubs are like a universal base layer that is used by tons of people in various healthcare settings. It is long, tedious, often boring, and exhausting. People are tired. I’m young-ish (34) and I’ve been a nurse for 10 years this spring, worked at my current facility for 6 years. In competitive areas lots of new grads just take a job because they need a paycheck and a foot in the door. She was a nurse in Houston and was very unhappy after every day of work in this pandemic because of lack of PPE and such (also because a number of other reasons), but the cherry on top was she was told by management that if the nurses get covid and have to take off, it is THEIR FAULT and they will not get sick pay. Nursing has many pros and many cons. There are so many nursing jobs out there right now. Apr 5, 2024 · It is a learned skill to provide compassionate care without becoming emotionally hijacked by every patient. 20. It's hard to tell the difference between "unconscious because of sleep" and "unconscious because of brain damage". Most LTC nurses are drained of energy at the end of the day, but still feel that the job is rewarding. I applied to two part time positions. Nursing school is an okay approximation, but not really representative. ago. We would partner up and take care of our patients together. If the patient doesn't want them on, document it and leave it alone. Reply reply. I used to be a trainer at a non nursing job and I feel like our company was pretty welcoming and I was glad to make new friends and have a lighter load. A good answer would be “I like that this hospital emphasizes continuity of care, and that is something I care deeply about”. March 12, 2023, 4:00 AM PDT. One shift a week/month might let you cope with the stress easier than 3. Nearly 18% of newly licensed registered nurses quit the profession within the first year. Feb 2, 2022 · Nurse leaders have a crucial role in influencing the factors or reasons that lead nurses to leave their jobs. However, there are a large subsection of nurses that bitch, moan and act like they have the hardest job on earth and skirt any type of accountability when people bring up things nurses can do better. But it’s a lot. If you tell them you are quitting but would still like to do PRN, usually they’re ok with that. Obviously, there were some people who were kind, but that was unfortunately only a fraction of my former colleagues. Times have changed. rather than spend time with my patients. I’m not a boomer but I get tired of all the boomer I find that many people bitch and complain about anything they do, whether it is nursing, or working at mcdonalds. A bit of background, im a new grad nurse (male) on the PCICU unit and have been on the unit for the past 5 months. GREAT. I’d argue they are more to protect the person from ruining their regular clothes than for sterility purposes. Patients treat me like shit, their families treat me like shit and apparently I have absolutely no right to talk back to them. Background. There are some SHITTY nursing jobs at SHITTY hospitals for SHITTY pay. They’re absolutely amazing. With data from over 400,000 nurses, we have summarized the current trends in the nursing industry just for you. Please know that it is not you. I feel like we get verbally abuse by patients enough as it is so I don’t think we should verbally abuse each other. That's the only thing that will make them change. 526 votes, 320 Congratulations. Wound/ostomy/ continence! Interesting wounds that you have to find the right treatment for, work with one patient at a time, heal a condition that a person may have had for years (such a good feeling), day is busy but not stressful, patients highly unlikely to die in your care, no call bells or medication passes. Anyway, charts are written for lawyers so we do as we are asked. Self schedule: For the love of god, do this. May 10, 2020 · Rebecca quit in mid-April, one week after she tested negative for COVID-19 after exposure to the patient. ADMIN MOD. When nurses leave their organization, this can negatively affect organizational performance. " I did y and z but couldn't get to xx. In a way that isn’t directly insulting anyone, and in a way that maybe compliments your potential new job. They do exist. I wonder how many new nurses quit because this has been really hard. Theres a statistic that 18% of new grads leave the profession within their first year and 1 in 3 leave it within their second- you are not alone. The big tradeoff is that nursing school According to a study by the University of Michigan, nearly four in 10 nurses in the state plan to quit by 2024. "Results from a 2020 survey indicate that almost two-thirds of nurses (62%) experience burnout. " To tackle this problem, there are several points to consider. Reply reply more repliesMore replies. Then it was "the nurse". These jobs include utilization review and case management, which you can find in other sectors as well. Reason #1: Staffing Issues. Personally, I’ve never seen a news article about the abusive practices that nurses encounter in the workplace all over the US. Then they have to live in a system of trashy morons at insurance companies ganging up with lobbyists and politicians s to tell them you don’t have sepsis when they Sep 9, 2013 · To analyse the impact of six job characteristics on the intention of nurses to leave their organization, specifically focusing on long-term care settings: nursing homes, care homes and home care. Dec 4, 2021 · 0:45. I was a full time Transitional Care senior staff nurse paeds but after others leaving the unit i was left to deal with bed meetings etc. Or be passive aggressive about it and don’t say anything and don’t do their jobs. They'll deny it forever, that Nurses eat their young. Put them on yourself if it bothers you Critical thinking-if the patient is ambulatory, leave it alone. I think people leave due to the expectations being disproportionate to the wages, there isn’t a great scope for progression, you realise you can’t make much of a difference as one person so it just becomes a job. The RCIS techs had to work in a cath lab, or get lucky and find a job with industry (clinical or sales reps for medical device companies for cath lab related devices) Nursing provides variety and versatility, and there are opportunities to specialize. They hindered my integrity. 11. i need advice. I'm in BC and work for the provincial health authority - a bachelor's level RN and a bachelor's level RSW make fairly similar wages here (RSW maxes out at $52/hr and RN at $55/hr). WASHINGTON — When Jacqui Rum quit her nursing job at Los Robles Regional Medical Center last fall over the heavy workload and low staffing For the narrative, we used to make, "I", statements. There's a chronic nurse shortage in almost every Western nation. 5% reported burnout as a reason for leaving their position, making it the third most commonly cited factor. As a new (ish) grad I agree it’s rough out there. When I was a new nurse I was in my 40’s. So for example, let's say you're a unit level manager you want to improve nurse retention and increase staffing levels. Also reddit is an echo chamber. If you want to do it, then do it. If they are fully staffed, they can't get visas for cheap labor. Just tell them you’ve got your own job to do. Edit: John’s Hopkins University has an 11 month MPH program. Mar 11, 2021 · Of those nurses, 31. And while this is true in many jobs, because of the nature of nursing and the pressures of the job bullying can be really severe. Serious. They burn through employees hoping for a bigger batch next year. As a nurse for 30 years…. The clinic needs to know that they’ve got a rogue nurse so they can fix it. • 3 yr. Choosing to be a Nurse is not just a profession; it is a dedication to helping people who are in need. However, nurses made more money, and had mobility. The number of CEPH accredited MPH programs has absolutely exploded in the last 7 years or so. Suggest she get a much experience as possible and ask, in interviews, about the culture of the hospital and staff turnover rates. The team of researchers surveyed nearly 10,000 Michigan nurses in early 2022. Award A community for nurses. Admin covers lunches if nurses aren’t getting breaks. Nursing provides a stable career with a non poverty wage. I think this topic has been addressed before but I am too exhausted to search thru posts today. Why I Quit my Job in the ED today. Admin “will advance world-class patient care” with those donations. People don't necessarily hate nursing, but a lot of people hate management's vision and practice of nursing. I’m talking about constant short staffing, the excusing of shitty (even violent) behavior by patients and their families For the kind of job they do they earn peanuts imo. and that is they really don't know as much as they were led to believe (so they're often far more humble). Both professions have strong unions - I think nurses actually make less here than they do in the US in general but it seems like RSWs do better. Not just “burnout”— the real reasons so many nurses quit. I hope that the ones that want to leave nursing eventually find a way out that is sustainable for their Why is nursing so Toxic. Jun 8, 2005 · The aim of the study was to investigate to what extent the registered nurses at a university hospital intend to quit their present jobs and the reasons for this. Nurses have a culture of “eating their young” already, and now they’re in the OR which tends to be a little more toxic anyway. A nurse that works on their own is going to be tired and burned out. Jul 15, 2021 · The phenomenon of inappropriate nurse staffing as a reason for nurses to leave their jobs is an epic catch-22: Poor staffing causes nurse attrition, and nurse attrition sustains poor staffing. half of the interviews i do, the interviewer doesn't show up. New doctors out of school are usually advised to listen to their nurses. I’m anxious to the point of having chest pain nearly every shift I work, I’m getting later and later with my med passes. One-third of nurses are likely to leave their jobs in the next year Burnout and a high-stress environment are the main issues 65% have been verbally or physically assaulted by a patient within the last year Aug 1, 2020 · According to a 2015 study, "the number of nurses leaving the workforce each year has been growing steadily from around 40,000 in 2010 to nearly 80,000 by 2020. PansyOHara. 2. During my orientation i have dealt with situations that i left me feeling uneasy and left me feeling like im being targeted. Reply. I have also witnessed several times in which other new nurses (whether new grads Executives typically work 60-80 hours a week for the better part of 30 years while climbing the corporate ladder. So basically, nurses need to fight back hard or leave the profession You forgot the option to simply quit and work for better pay travel nursing or at a different local nursing job. •• Edited. When enough people leave all of a sudden pay will get better until they can attract new talent. Was trying to give report while the oncoming nurse was just sitting there looking through the charts well past eight (shift change at eight). Without aides a nurses job would be 100 times harder. The nurses they bring over are often young, newly qualified and naive to the conditions within the NHS. "Why did you leave your last job", because I am seeking better opportunities and growth, is the only answer ever, period. In some particularly dire cases, the government sent in military and public health personnel. Definitely say something to the clinic, that is horrible bedside manner and probably against their normal protocol. Can anyone provide their insights on the amount of / demeanor of nurses that tend to stay for a long time, perhaps move around in their roles, but ultimately don’t feel a need to leave the field? Archived post. I’m trying to give her some time because maybe she has a process or something but anyway I finally am like can I please give you report now and she’s like My mom recently quit her job. fg nx oj vr rl az fz gp qi hq