Trafford housing benefit

They can also help you to fill in forms or to write a letter, and they will sometimes go with you to the tribunal that hears your appeal. Tel: 0808 278 7803 (Mon to Fri, 8:30 to 5:30) Apr 18, 2021 · A List of Routinely Eligible Intensive Housing Management Tasks & Functions Updated November 2023. Local councils run the schemes using regulations set out by the Government. Notes. This is called a non-dependant deduction. Being asked to leave by family or friends. Jobs. This is a number starting with 800 that can be found on most rent related letters from us. The social housing department always go the extra mile. Easy-read housing advice for those with autism. If you're still on benefit we can take money out of each week's benefit to recover the overpayments. They taken my certificates and never gave them back. Set up a Direct Debit. The social housing team has a strong track record in representing tenants in claims against local authorities and housing associations, with particular expertise in complex disrepair and possession cases. Home Ownership The Council has amended the Council Tax Reduction scheme from 1 April 2018: if you or your partner are a pensioner, you may receive Council Tax Reduction for up to 100% of your Council Tax bill. You must always support your claim to Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support with evidence of what you tell us. Emergency Duty Team: 0161 912 2230. Email : HOST@trafford. 30am to 5pm. To join the housing register you will need to register with Trafford HomeChoice and submit an online application. You can only make a claim for Housing Benefit if one of the following applies: If you do not fit into any Online forms and services. 0 Million for schools which will be met by dedicated government grants, and £47. They will help you understand which benefits you are entitled to claim and explain how you can appeal if you think decisions made about your benefits are not correct. From 6 April 2010 the age at which a claimant, whether male or female, ceased to be a housing benefit claimant of working age increased in line with the state pension age for women. The legislation governing DHP’s is in the Discretionary Financial Assistance Regulations 2001 (S1 001/1167). This Guidance is important in that it places the emphasis for eligibility for enhanced Housing Benefit on specifically property-related tasks and functions. OpenPortal (the online facility to view your Council Tax account, Housing Benefit/Council Tax support claim or Business Rates account) and the below web forms are temporarily unavailable as we create records for the new 2024/25 financial year. provision of a wide range of services to Trafford residents. It will help if you show them any letters you have about the decision that you think is Provide evidence when you have claimed benefits or reported a change in your circumstances. Supported housing offers vulnerable people an opportunity to learn independent living skills in a safe environment. LHA is based on the number of rooms people are allowed, not how much the rent is. Universal Credit is a new single payment for people who are looking for work or on a low income. Use an independent benefits calculator to find out: what benefits you could get. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. Benefits and support Local Housing Allowance (LHA) for private tenants The Local Housing Allowance rates for 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. sdc@stratford-dc. I will report any future changes in my circumstances This Housing Strategy sets out what we and our Housing Partners are planning to do to deliver the housing and neighbourhoods needed to achieve The Trafford Vision 2031 and its role in Greater Manchester. Benefits application form. how your benefits will be affected if you start work. You need to report a change of circumstances for you and anyone else in your house. Post: Housing Options Service Trafford, Sale Waterside, Sale, M33 7ZF. If you and your partner aren't State Pension age and you Benefits and support Local Housing Allowance (LHA) for private tenants The Local Housing Allowance rates for 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. Legal 500. The contact page for the Benefits team at Trafford Council. This means that the amount people get Reviews from Trafford Housing Trust employees about Trafford Housing Trust culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Income Support Housing Online Revenues and Benefits services available from Trafford Council. Housing. appeal against it at a tribunal. If you don't have a Council Tax account already but have a query relating to Council Tax (if you are new to the Trafford area you can use the Change of Address form to notify us that you have moved in), you can contact Access Trafford on 0161 912 2220. In May 2022 the DWP issued “Housing Benefit guidance for supported housing claims“. for all other working age, the maximum amount of Council Tax Reduction you may receive is 70% of a band A property charge. Change of See full list on trafford. 1% in line with the Consumer Prices Index ( CPI) in the financial year ending ( FYE Trafford Council's Discretionary Housing Payments Most full-time students cannot claim Housing Benefit because the Government expects them to use other Choose this option to retrieve a previously saved form - enter your reference number you received and click Continue to resume. Housing Benefit. Within OpenPortal you can also: Request a copy of your Council Tax bill; Change your method of payment Jul 14, 2021 · The Trafford affordable housing fund was launched in September 2018 and is currently being used to provide 30 new apartments for social rent in Timperley, Altrincham, which are being delivered by Apr 1, 2023 · capital over £16,000 is not eligible for housing benefit. Left me alone to clean up a flood that I wasn’t properly trained for at the time. Email: HOST@Trafford. Many people are not affected as they are exempt or protected from LHA. You can make payments and enquiries relating to a number of Council services including pest control, Blue Car Badges, and the tree unit by contacting our call centre, Access Trafford, which is open between the hours of 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Local Housing Allowance affects most people renting from a private landlord who make a new claim for Housing Benefit after April 7 2008, or who have a change of address or break in their Housing Benefit entitlement after April 2008. The government expects non-dependants to pay a share of your housing costs and your Council Tax, and lays down set amounts which we must take off your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support in some cases. assessments@trafford. Warehouse Assistant (Former Employee) - Trafford Park, Greater Manchester - 13 October 2019. Homeless or at risk of losing your home. Trafford Council no longer owns any social housing stock in the borough, but will ensure that this stock, owned by Registered Providers, is allocated to those households with the greatest need for long term, settled accommodation as defined by this Policy. blueSCI Welfare Rights support service - one-stop benefits advice and support service for individuals requiring support related to their mental health and needing to navigate the If you wish to email, the HOST mailbox is checked regularly. UK benefits calculator. uk Telephone: (0161) 912 2000 Apr 8, 2020 · Housing Options Service Trafford (HOST) For all our safety this service is now being run remotely, rather than in person. View independent benefits calculators. You can also email host@salixhomes. Benefits Calculator To find out if you may be eligible for housing benefit and/or council tax support, use the GOV. If you’re unhappy with a housing benefit decision, you can: ask the council to review their decision. If you need any help in understanding this document, phone us on 0161 912 2220 or Minicom 0161 912 2102. Energyworks - Green Doctors in Greater Manchester. You can make a new claim for Housing Benefit if you're State Pension age or over. 1m last year repairing, maintaining, and improving homes. Universal Credit replaces: income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance. The state pension age for: Online Revenues and Benefits services available from Trafford Council. Self-employed questionnaire. We are building 1,100 new affordable homes over the next 5 years. Enter your saved reference number. It sets targeted, realistic and deliverable objectives, actions and measures over a 5-year period. Not helpful, had a bad attitude and wasn’t willing to listen also didn’t want to teach me anything. Recommendation(s) That the Executive approves the Trafford Housing Strategy and Draft Action Plan 2018-2023. An additional charge in the rent, which is not eligible for Housing Benefit, is made for heating and lighting. Report a change. Changes to Universal Credit, including scrapping the seven-day waiting period at the beginning of a claim, making a full month’s advance available within five days of making a claim and allowing Benefits Calculator To find out if you may be eligible for housing benefit and/or council tax support, use the GOV. You will only need to provide proof of your earnings. We are G1 - the highest grading for governance. Register for or log into your online benefits account. If you already get Housing Benefit and are about to start work, you should fill in a change of circumstances form. We have a whole package of family friendly policies in the form of parental leave, maternity, adoption, paternity and special leave. There are legal limits to how much we can take each week. The information together with the information on my claim form correctly represents my circumstances as they are at the present time. The number of rooms allowed depends on who lives with you. Details of the new owner if you have sold the property you are leaving. Temporary accommodation is available for households who become homeless and are referred by their Housing Options Officer after a homeless assessment. The team carries out the housing advice and homelessness functions for Trafford borough. gov. Email benefits. Enter a Tenancy ID (required). Write to the council with details of the change. A DHP award is used to ‘top up’ Housing Benefit (HB) or Universal Credit (UC), but the total amount cannot be more than the customer’s rental liability (less ineligible services You can phone us on 0161 912 2220 or email benefits@trafford. Details of your landlord/letting agent if you are renting. Online benefits calculator. uk or call the Recovery section to set this instruction up over the telephone on 0161 912 2223. For a full decision use our online application form to make a formal claim as soon 0161 912 2220. This pattern is a national a comprehensive and fully joined up approach to delivering future housing growth to benefit Trafford’s residents. Required information is marked with an asterisk ( * ). Housing Benefit; the housing Jun 11, 2024 · Flat 2 1. Benefits service: contacts, appointments, reception points. It will help claimants and their families to become more independent and will simplify the benefits system by bringing together a range of working-age benefits into a single payment. For Choice Based Lettings call: 0161 912 5513. Telephone : 0161 912 2230. Trafford Council's Discretionary Housing Payments Most full-time students cannot claim Housing Benefit because the Government expects them to use other How to contact HOST. If you need your Tenancy ID, email your name and address to customer@mytht. Telephone helpline open Monday to Friday, 8. You can use this application to inform us of a change to your circumstances that affects. View further information on the sorts of changes you must tell us about. You must tell us within one month of any change in your circumstances or you may lose benefit. Land and premises. Check the Local Housing Allowance rates for the area you want to live in: To find out the latest Local Housing Allowance Rates nationally visit Directgov. If you are unable to use the online service, you can contact Trafford HomeChoice on 0161 912 5513 for assistance. For Housing advice call: 0161 912 2230. HOST is a busy service and it may be difficult to get through on the phone. Request a Home Fire Safety Assessment. Contact person for access to background papers and further information: Name: Stephen James (Head of Strategic Growth) Housing Benefit is money to help you cover your rent if you're living on a low income. Tell us about a change in your circumstances (you should only complete this form if you are currently receiving Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support from Trafford Council). Osbornes is commended for its 'rare level of commitment Trafford Housing Strategy 2018-2023 Page | 5 Trafford and from April 2019 Housing Benefit will be moving to the Local Housing Allowance rate. Policy and Strategic Context National Context Details of your Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax support claim if you have one; Any future Council Tax bills will be created in your OpenPortal account and we will send you an email to notify you whenever a new bill is available for you to view. Relationship breakdown. This service includes confidential benefit checks for all the benefits listed. Trafford Council's Discretionary Housing Payments Policy Url Most full-time students cannot claim Housing Benefit because the Government expects them to use other Find your Local Housing Allowance rates. Local Housing Allowance for private tenants. Trafford Council's Discretionary Housing Payments Policy Url Most full-time students cannot claim Housing Benefit because the Government expects them to use other What's on in Trafford and what you need to do to hold an event . Housing Benefit can only be claimed to help with the part of the rent that is ‘eligible’. Reporting changes is easy: Print off a change in circumstance form of change of address form to send in. The debt may then be recovered by the new authority, which will make deductions from ongoing Trafford Council's Discretionary Housing Payments Policy Url Payments we can give if your Housing Benefit is less than the full amount of your rent. This includes homelessness prevention, homelessness assessment and the provision of housing options, emergency and temporary accommodation, for people in housing need in As wave 4 of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) rolls out across the country, Housing Industry Leaders speaks to Councillor Tom Ross, leader of Trafford Council and Portfolio Holder of the Green City Region in Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to learn how residents are benefitting from the scheme. Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) are payments we can give you if your Housing Benefit or Universal Credit Housing Element is less than the full amount of your rent. Change in circumstances: Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support. Trafford residents have the right to query how their assessment has been calculated and ask for the decision to be reviewed by a human. Website. Eligibility. E-mail. *Select how many bedrooms you are entitled to under LHA. Students: help with rent and Council Tax. Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) Policy. Tell us about a change. Most permanent tenants receive housing benefit which meets the major part of their rent. Url we will only pay Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit while you are living at the Trafford Corporate Plan: Our Trafford, Our Future The Greater Manchester Strategy 2021-2031 Trafford Locality Plan Levelling Up GM Good Employment Charter Trafford Social Value Charter Trafford VCFSE Strategy Places for Everyone Trafford Housing Strategy 2019-2023 THT Community Grants Trafford Welfare Rights; They can represent you and help you understand the reasons for decisions about Housing Benefit. Discretionary Council Tax Support payments (DCTSPs) are For more information about what we mean by care leavers, phone us on 0161 912 2220 or email assessments@trafford. If you need any help with housing or homelessness queries please call on 0161 912 2230 (during office hours) and 0800 218 2000 (after 5pm and at weekends). Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit are means-tested benefits. HS2. We have received further funding from the Department for Work and Pensions, extending the Household Support Fund for 6 months to support the most vulnerable households in the most need with food, energy and utility bills as well as for other wider essential costs. Household Support Fund. Housing associations in Trafford. The contact page for the Council Tax team at Apr 14, 2022 · Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) provide financial support to help with rent or housing costs. Landlords' information. There is a range of supported housing options available across the Trafford borough. Alternatively, you can email it to us at recovery@trafford. 11 Trafford Housing Trust reviews. Make a Claim To make a formal claim, use our online application form as soon as possible. We might be able to change it and take a smaller amount. Changes to Universal Credit, including scrapping the seven-day waiting period at the beginning of a claim, making a full month’s advance available within five days of making a claim and allowing Trafford Twitter page; Trafford YouTube page; Trafford Flickr page Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit are national welfare benefits which help people on low Feb 11, 2024 · Our Housing Options Service Trafford (HOST) Team is based at offices in Sale Waterside. VAT (V) /Code % change Shawe Road * These charges are subject to the calculation of their costs and will be confirmed by Commissioners in early March. uk. 5 Million on the provision of Housing Benefit payments which is also met primarily from government grant income. Chambers UK. We own 7,703 homes. Url From instalments of your Housing Benefit. Council Tax Support. 2 Bed Flat, Northenden Road, M33 We are proud to offer this delightful 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom flat in a great location. Available to move in from 08 July 2024, this property benefits from availab ** Property Reference: 2123793 **. To find your Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rate, fill in the details and select ‘Submit’. uk at any time. The law says you must tell us if there is any change to the information we have used to decide whether you are entitled to Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support. Your claim might be stopped or reduced if you do not report a change of In order to calculate your Housing Benefit correctly you should enter your eligible rent as defined under Housing Benefit rules. For housing register enquiries: Homechoice 0161 912 5513. Council Tax Support provides help for people on low incomes with their Council Tax bill. 2. Council Tax Support (sometimes called Council Tax Reduction) is a scheme offered by all Councils to reduce the amount of Council Tax due, on the basis of low income. Information on HS2 (High Speed Rail 2) infrastructure project. Trafford Council, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, M32 0TH Trafford Housing Strategy 2018-2023 Page | 5 Trafford and from April 2019 Housing Benefit will be moving to the Local Housing Allowance rate. We want to support you to enjoy those special moments in life and help you when unexpected family matters or emergencies occur. Contact us: Trafford Council, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Rd, Stretford, M32 0TH Email: access. If you have a non-dependant living in your home, we may have to reduce your benefit. The Local Housing Allowance is a scheme of Housing Benefit for people who rent from a private landlord. Call the council on 01789 260991. co. For example, take someone who rents a property where the full rent is £80 per week but £10 of this is for heating and hot The administration of Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support, Council Tax Benefit and Discretionary awards does involve the automated verification of data held against income details provided by DWP. Housing data and statistics. How to apply. Email: HOST@trafford. Our average rent is just 41% of the market rent. 020 3322 3265 Local call rate. For people of pension age, there are rules (set by Central Housing Benefit is handled by your local council. Payments are made directly in to a successful applicant’s bank account using the Bankers Automated Clearing Service (BACs) which takes 3 working days to clear. how to claim. Trafford Council Benefits. It uses the information you provide to calculate an instant online benefits estimate. A limited number of temporary accommodation properties are provided throughout the borough of Trafford. Including our property Even if you are not moving within the Trafford area we will need this so we can forward your final bill to you. 1. Discretionary housing payment in financial hardship. uk If you are receiving Universal Credit, or are eligible to claim Universal Credit, then you need to make a claim for your housing costs from the Department for Work and Pensions unless you are a pensioner or live in supported accommodation. About our service Trafford Council's Welfare Rights Team will give you free, independent advice on how to claim benefits. If you're not claiming benefits already you will need to provide all the usual evidence, such as proof of your identity, proof of your National Insurance Number etc. Visit the council's offices at Elizabeth House to report the change in person. uk or call us on 0300 777 7777 and we'll get this posted to you. 0161 912 2220. If you want to pay by Direct Debit simply download a mandate, complete and return it to: Trafford Council, PO Box 542, Sale M33 0GD. Domestic abuse. Housing advice including housing standards, HMOs and how to apply for social housing. Information on applying for housing and Trafford Home Search. You can also find lots of information on our website. Trafford Council, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, M32 0TH Supported Housing and Move-on. Change of Council Tax Support. This method of recovery may be appropriate where the debtor has left the Trafford area and it can be established that they are in receipt of Housing Benefit in another authority's area. Evictions and repossessions. Alternative awards can be made to applicants who do not have a bank account, or in safeguarding Family Flexible Policies. We aim to process your change of address within 20 working days. Unavailable web forms: We aim to bring OpenPortal and the above web forms back online on Wednesday 3 By phone. Remember this calculation is an estimate based on the information you give. Before you start you'll need to know: Details of your current claim. By post. Rough sleeping. You can apply for a DHP if you currently get either:. Our enhanced schemes will help you to balance your work and Jan 4, 2024 · the basic State Retirement Pension and the full rate of the new State Retirement Pension are being uprated by 10. Tel: 0161 912 2230. Trafford Council benefits and council tax. Scan to visit this website. Remember that the amount of benefit you are entitled to still This is known as the shared Local Housing Allowance rate. Jobs, apprenticeships, training, and volunteering opportunities in and around the borough. Confirmed dates of your move. Details of any previous claims. Your National Insurance number. Usually benefit will start from the Monday after we receive your form. We invested £12. Housing policies and strategies. Trafford Council, Benefits Section, PO Box 542, Sale, M33 0GD. Call centre. HOST supports move-on into independent living, please talk to one of our advisors for more information. We supported 1,831 people with employment and skills last year. Apply for council housing through your local council Benefits; Births, death, marriages and care We've matched the postcode to Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council. Change of Recovery from Housing Benefit paid by another authority. Introduction. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit are national welfare benefits which help people on low income pay rent or Trafford Council, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Trafford Assist operates a cash-first scheme for awards of food, gas and electricity. All non-urgent enquiries will be responded to within 3 working days. Change of Claim Housing Benefit or check if you're entitled. Number of bedrooms allowed Please tell us what evidence, if any, you are sending to support this change: I have read the information on this form and confirm it is true and complete. After you claim: payments, appeals and backdating. Unfortunately, we cannot give a DHP to cover the cost of things included in your rent, like fuel, water or food charges. It does not apply to the following tenancies: Local Authority tenancies Housing Association tenancies Supported Trafford Carers Centre & Trafford Young Carers - benefits caseworker can help with benefits and welfare assistance if you are a carer, parent carer or young carer. Free, independent, confidential advice on welfare benefits, money advice, housing, homelessness, immigration, community care, employment and family issues. We offer specialist services in benefits, money advice, housing, community care and immigration. The cut-off age for working age housing benefit. but we will also need to see: If you don't yet have a Council Tax account. The scheme is available until 30 September 2024 or until Report a change of circumstances. Council Tax Support can reduce your Council Tax bill by up to 100%, depending on your circumstances. How to claim. Council Tax support. But their mailbox is checked regularly. If you have a partner, you can only usually make a new claim for Housing Benefit when you both reach State Pension age. This includes £197. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit are national welfare benefits which help people on low income pay rent or Council Tax, or both, on the home they live in. Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is a way of working out Housing Benefit for people on low incomes who rent from private landlords. Added today by OpenRent, London. If we consider it would help the tenant secure or retain their tenancy For example, if the rent you charge is higher than the Local Housing Allowance rate and you reduce this to an affordable level. . Tel: 0161 912 2000. trafford@trafford. At least £400k of the underlying pressure is caused by an increase in the number of tenants requiring to be housed in emergency/temporary accommodation which attracts a lower subsidy from the Government. The amount of Council Tax Support you will be entitled to, is based on your individual circumstances, such as the money and earnings you are receiving, savings and capital and family circumstances. Email homechoice@trafford. You must also provide evidence when you tell us about a change that might affect your benefit. If the amount we take each week causes you a problem, please tell us. Housing Benefit - £524k overspend, adverse movement of £287k. ok sz si il tn gu tx un fb jk