Reddit abusive dad

This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). e. He struggled in life and to be fair his Andrew Tate's Dad was a real Bastard (citations below) : r/behindthebastards. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. The aftermath may have been great for my mom, but I can’t say the same for my father. It's been 2 weeks since the incident and I feel bad ignoring his texts now. Go to behindthebastards. Cut down your contact with your parents and develop new relationships with normal people. he isn’t your father. Every time i make a small mistake, its a huge thing, and when i do something in a way that's easier or that he doesn't exactly think is the right way, he goes ballistic and thinks Im "half-assing" it, especially with school work. For the victim, it is their spouse, their parent, their loved one. They used working out as something I would do to get rewards. Hatred can be difficult to cope with and painful to live with. On top of this, he'll gossip to her, (when I'm not around), about how I eat too much and how I'm gaining weight. • 7 yr. You don’t owe him anything. If you piss him off, he'll get angry, and he'll get violent. Hello, I am a 23 years old old woman from India. Dad eventually gets remarried. ADMIN MOD. Only fight back if you have a really good way to win the argument if not then don’t. I was abused by my father. The hood was dinged and dented. Let’s call him Jason. your father wouldn’t abuse you like that. One time, my dad had a big fight with my mom. I used to hate you. For my sister, it’s not as triggering to her, though we did go through the same abuse. Yeah the thing is, it’s a lot more socially acceptable to be rude to your dad in your teens than in your 30s which makes it kinda tough. r/behindthebastards. But she doesn’t want to meet any of my family. 1. So, he eventually became my “Dad”. Things got out of hand and I got angry wich led my father to get angry and put me on the wall while holding me by my shirt while yelling at me in rage and anger (my shirt was ripped I the process). Then i realized : So this big man who abused and beat his children cannot fight back with adults. Concentrated on university and my career and surviving through my 20s and 30s. Over time it revealed his drinking and abuse are worse. A little history to begin with: both my parents were mentally abusive when I was growing up and my mum was physically abusive as well. For years I chalked it up to that’s just Creative-Rip8723. My father is the abuser. I video tapped his most recent meltdown and My mom wants ME to reconcile with him. 2. The host, Robert Evans, is a journalist at Bellingcat They are rigid, inflexible and have low emotional intelligence. When I was 19 (2 years ago) I moved in with my boyfriend - I’ll call him Jack in this story. my dad talks low of my mother, my siblings, and me- not just within my family and his own family back home but even So a few months ago I cut my “stepfather” out of my life for good. He already knew he wasn't there to help. he yells at me when i ask him to brush his teeth, flush the toilet, and throw away his trash and etc. You're right - your father's behavior is unacceptable. The final straw was when my dad asked me for money to fix his 18-wheeler truck. i’m so done. It’s less likely to go back in your face than a six pack of beer. For some background, my sister (24) and I (23) grew up dealing with verbal and physical abuse from our father, while our mother just stood by. My father raped me as a child, multiple times. Creativity can help you release you emotions in healthy ways instead of harming yourself or lashing out at others. After like half a year, my abusive father and my boyfriend became quite close (my father was nice to him and my boyfriend lost his dad, so thats probably why)and they figured that since my fathers mom died and left him a big house that he renovated Abusive father, please help. I've been living with him my entire life with my sister who's a good 11 years older then me. You are under NO obligation to forgive your abuser. Sort by: 12poulet21. My dad has been emotionally abusive to me, my sister, and my mom for the past 7 years or so. My mom abuses my dad. [Rant/Vent] TLDR; Crazy abusive dad and step mother brutally abused me and then abandoned me and are now trying to kidnap me. Aside from temper tantrums, they don’t have any other ways to cope with diversity and frustration. I explained to them how he would switch from being nice to being very mad and screaming or threatning me with hitting me, just for me acting/asking typical things a child would. Things gotten better over time with him but not entirely. My father went to prison for child porn. ago. Nothing will change but you will have them know who you are. He hasn't physically abused me yet, but has been very close to hitting me. TLDR: My father has been verbally abusive since early teen years and has anger management issues yells and screams name calling and gas lighting. He’s probably panicking with anxiety, unable to start his bike because he knows what the repercussions are. My next oldest sister left home and joined the military (but sides with him kinda thing so I don’t think he was the reason she left home entirely). But I also think it’s important to talk about these things, and would love to open up the forum for people to share their experiences, and hopefully find solidarity amongst each other. At this time last year, I had both of them, now they’re all gone. Congrats on the baby. i’ve struggled all my life with anxiety-depression since i could remember. I. When your nfather is heated let him think he has won. It's frankly abusive. That and the comment she make during the School festival preparation during act 1. it was getting better being away from my dad but since moving in I had a stepfather, who my mother let me believe was my real father for the first 8 years of my life), who was truly mentally ill. Above all, you need to accept that you can only fight your own battles. kickmediocorestudy. His words are mentally draining, every time kausap ko siya through chat di ko kinakaya words niya. His family is still pretty solid even though his parents divorced when he was 14. You can also get a domestic violence case filed in the nearest police station or just call 181 and you can try contacting SHE teams (according to comments posed by people here). He was emotionally and mentally abusive, physically abusive (he was physically abusive to my mom, then to my older brother. Common topics on this subreddit include: academic pressure, emotional abuse, physical abuse, parental control, lack of privacy, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, arranged marriages, and identity issues. Siya kasi sole provider ko hiwalay na sila ni Mom. My parents have the typical immigrant story, both in their early 70s and both immigrated to the U. I never truly got away from it. Reply. He also expects me to take care of my your dad won’t change. The non-emergency number in my area is not recorded, but 911 is. Step mom is great but died (car accident? Don't remember) Dad tells Cheater Mom about getting the kids for the funeral, Cheater Mom spontaneously takes 3 kids on some sort of trip to celebrate. My dad was an abusive drunk from the time I could remember till I was 7. Wouldn’t feed me, would lock me up in the cellar, (as a baby) wouldn’t change my diaper (along with mother) for days on end. The victim may feel tied to the relationship for all the good things they experienced. long story short after failing to financially support myself for a year away from home i ended up moving back in with my 60 year old alcoholic father. Had depression and not wanted to live anymore by 11, eating disorder and anxiety. I suggest asking her specifically how the abuse she endured as a child has affected her and what you, as a partner, can do to help. Throwaway account. They don’t have an unsubscribe option. Express yourself creatively. Your father will not change as you and your brother and also your mother are providing a very nurturing environment for the abuse to continue. You will want your call recorded. I hate my dad. He keeps yelling at my mom saying she is a bad mom, calling her fat and other insults. The unfortunate answer seems like yes. Hence the shutdown she experience in Act 2 if you create the 1st poem aimed at natsuki. With the upcoming father's day, I have a lot to say. Support. Both my father and mother were/are extremely abusive towards me. " She always chose his, telling me that the bible says to put your husband before your children. My brother,Roman was 12 at the time and I was 10. •. The abuse started when I was around 12. Father's day: Rant about my abusive father. When what is supposed to be a source of security (parents) becomes a source of fear, we're left with 'attachment injuries' (look up secure vs avoidant attachment styles, see if anything resonates). (He was also physically abusive to my brother and me on a few occasions. But I've always been fascinated by dynamics within abusive families My sister knows what our dad's like and we discussed that if dad disowned me and put all of my property still at their house (documents, childhood memories, my books, camera, plants, trains) in a skip & tried to sell my car, us three would go over and pack up most important things, take my car - I am the legal owner of it, all in my name - and AlertInspection801. . We’ve always been a very dysfunctional family. Hi there, I’m a 41 year old Indian female, born in and living in the U. Some people don't deserve the love a child has, her mother basically condoned the abuse OP suffered for years by her husband because she wanted to keep the family together. 3. For something less petty, offer them a customized cake with a deliberate misspelling of your dad name on it. Like many narcissists, he cheated on my mother (they’ve been divorced luckily since I was Cutting off my abusive dad means losing my mom. My father is 30% fair nice / 70% narcissist asshole. As a survivor it’s hard wrestling with this ball of anger and guilt. It happened. Partly because my nana warned us that it To know all is to forgive all. I've lurked on Reddit for a few months but have finally decided to make an account because I really need some advice. I recently started therapy, for other reasons, and the topic of the physical abuse I suffered as a kid eventually came up. He was physically abusive more to Roman than me, and also mentally abusive. If he shows up, call 911 immediately. Treat things as business in terms of communications when you need to. There alots pointing out that her parent (s?) are abusive and\or negligent of her daughter. I was fortunate to not have had an abusive father. your mother will need to stand up for herself. But now I don't feel a thing about/for you. And moreover he had a new wife who was a btch. Who they would tell me I’m suicidal to get attention and stuff like that. They may see the abuse as someone struggling, an 'anger problem', trauma, etc. Maybe that’s why so many of them drink and gamble. It is nice to feel like I'm part of a family rather than everyone just not being able to even look at each other. Ok so my (14m) dad is incredibly mentally and verbally abusive. He justifies violence against his son because he recognizes it as discipline. Your mother is wrong if she thinks a divorce will affect your wedding. Mar 4, 2024 · You can do this with a friend, family member, counselor, or support group. As with context Elizabeth was calling William both Charlie's and her father. My dad has been one of the top causes of pain in my life. abusive father hi. Feb 14, 2023 · It’s possible to feel hatred toward your father. But the pushing and hit were all William to Elizabeth. i’m away at medical school but that is due to finish in two months, the plan is to move home but i’m having second thoughts about it. He often told me that I was the reason he and my mom fought so much, and he would set things up so that my mom had to choose "sides. So I (15f) was talking this morning with some friends about my dad and things he did in my childhood. Cheater Mom is angry. he chews his food with his mouth open, and the bits fly out whenever he yells. My dad was verbally and psychologically abusive and emotionally unavailable. For ex, my dad was the abuser, so for me, anything relating to a man raising his voice immediately triggers a trauma response. I rebelled against every aspect of this strange new religion. compares me to friends and family that are thinner, more popular and more successful. verbally abusive dad makes me want to kms. . As a young child I was put on fad diets such as the soup diet and the man shake (ladyshake diet specifically). I don't know about WI, but in WV, the fine for tresspassing is $2,000. A video surfaced on IG the other day of this dude beating up his girlfriend, well 2 days later her dad found this dude and put hands on him. It can be hard for somebody in that position to open up and verbally admit they were wrong (it has to do with saving face). Live to fight another day. Growing up he has always been verbally abusive, extremely critical and moody. I have been my entire life. This isn't the first time this has happened. His own warped sense morality is heir downfall. The man was too stunned to speak and pushed me out of the room. Is it some kind of self loathing or lack of self worth. My father had heard the door open and turned around to look at me. Please help. The windshield had several cracks. Like i have never seen such abusive and non sense man in my life. I grew up with an abusive father. They don’t have emotional coping tools in their toolbox. My mother passed when I was 8 and he's been legally my father for my whole life since then. 15 signs Here are a few things my father does that cause me a lot of emotional distress. TL;DR: I want to go NC with dad after his last physically abusive episode with mom and sibling, but I feel guilty about not responding to My parents are quite emotionally abusive; they commented on my weight told me I was fat even though my doctor said I was underweight. The first time I saw my husband with his father I cried when I got home, I was jealous and sad because I never had a father like that. The situation that made me admit to myself happened memorial day weekend at the lake. I love my husband more for the father he became. And my mother did not protect me. Better you just post it on r/LegalAdviceIndia. When you give someone justifications for your actions, you give them authority to question those actions. I just have them in a box in a room, stored away. I had to step in between my dad and my sisters/mom in 2019. In my case my mom had died earlier and my dad was super abusive. ) We all had to walk on eggshells around him, and I have developed an anxiety order due to always having AITA for taking my kids to go meet my husband's abusive father even after he prohibited me from doing so? TRIGGER WARNING: Child abuse and manipulation. moving my room to the basement. These feelings typically develop in childhood, depending on your father’s behavior and parenting style. Common tools of narcs. She pretends to be nice to everyone to save face, but alone with my dad she treats him like dogshit. He was so paranoid, so violently abusive, so verbally abusive, and would get wrapped up in his own fantasies He pulled a gun on my mom, beat her, me, his my brothers, etc. JMS' credits Superman as the one who gave him a good moral compass. That too will have an impact. Other than that, I ran into him randomly 2 years ago, and haven't seen him since. A long long time ago my oldest sister left home due to my abusive dad. I remember I only thought he was an enabler because I didn’t really know what abuse could look like but as I started to understand my life more, good things happened. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. To put it lightly, my dad used to beat me and my siblings a lot growing up. He met me when I was 4, and my biological “father” walked out before I was born (he didn’t want me so tried to hurt my Mum whilst she was pregnant with me) wasn’t in the picture. All of what you've experienced with your father and his side of the family is not normal. Sadly, plenty of black families utilize these abusive tactics as "normal parenting". At least not a directly abusive one - he was a neglectful absentee dad. He will go around hitting and punching stuff in our This is a place for people to vent, seek support, or offer advice to others who are going through similar situations. As I grew into a teenager, the abuse was directed more and more at me as well as my mom. I (24F) have three siblings (21M, 18F, and 15F). this subreddit is for a podcast called reddit on wiki, that reads reddit stories. How to deal with an emotionally abusive Dad. Yeah. My father is an abusive alcoholic. compassionatevillain. Neglectful, yes. 37. If you don’t have the time for that, just offer them a random bottle of wine to be done with it. All he has as a real family is his younger sister. It sounds to me like your dad is a better man, and the fact that he is trying to be better now is a silent acknowledgment that he realizes he was wrong. constantly mentions my weight. i’m 23 M and my father is really abusive. My formerly physically abusive father is getting back to his old ways. When I was a kid I thought that was how it was: the mom provided love and care and the dad provided lectures and abusive "Father". • 5 yr. My bio father abused me and when he called me on his death bed i said tough shit. This is a very sensitive topic for me, but I feel like it is important for me to speak about it so others going through the same type of situation will know that they are not alone. Original Post - Jan 26, 2024 I 42F and my husband 42M Daryl have three kids, 18M, 13F, and 9F. My wife just doesn’t have a very good relationship with either of her parents. The first incident happened when I was 13 (almost 14) where my father sat me down over some behavioural issues I had. He even curses at me for little things pero most of the time if humihingi ako ng pera for school purposes and necessities. Sunsa249. although it seems he’s back on his feet now, he’s still technically homeless and has to save up so much by living in the car and such. From Hitler’s love of young adult fiction to Saddam Hussein's shameful romance novels, this podcast sheds new, weird light on history's monsters. My father has serious anger issues, to out it in another wayhe does not have any patience, maybe somebut hardly any. If possible, have No Tresspassing signs put up. We saw each other once in a while (christmas, really) until about three and a half years ago. My abusive father died and I couldn't be happier! (VENT) [Rant/Vent] Hello everyone! I was looking for a place like this where I could vent I had a cold distant father that when he wasn't distant was insulting me. Exactly. all the best man. It can also lead to arguments and fights between you and your father, as well as tension and conflict with other family members. And if it’s possible, you all need to get out of that house. Especially my father, other family members because noone spoke on the abusive behavior he had towards me. I have been living away from home for the last five years and have a mom and younger sister back home with my father who is verbally, emotionally and psychologically abusive. Describe The Moment You Confronted or Overcame Your Abusive Father. Abusive “father”. He learned it from his parents, and he's repeating similar patters towards the next generation. It may not make sense to the rest of your family and it’s up to you if you want to say anything, but you don’t have too. We’ll call my stepmother “M” and my dad “D”. Significant others and friends are all welcome. You’re an adult and you can file a complaint against him. She was emotionally and physically abusive to me more than my brother (I'm a female), calling me names and never showing any type of affection for me. Abusive, no. My abusive father tried to kidnap me today. He did this to himself but I still feel guilty. AskMenOver30 is a place for supportive and friendly conversations among adults over 30. this is my first time posting a reddit so no clue what i’m doing. He has mentioned that he hates his father and that he was an abusive asshole and that he would abuse him and his sister every day. I waited long enough to save up and escape the house. K in the 1960s, when they were young with their families. So his relationship with his father is practically non-existent. I’ve lightly tapped our dogs on the jaw or butt, not hard, but I still feel like garbage after and hug them and apologize to them First, as a survivor of an abusive father myself and a parent to boot, no you don’t ever have to talk to him again. So, to start off. he was an abusive alcoholic piece of shit, and somehow his death completely absolved him of any wrongdoing in the eyes of my My father(60) and I(28) have been going through a rough patch in our relationship. Curious to get a bit of insight from the group on how to deal with a verbally abusive parent. My dad (53) and mom (50) are currently divorcing. r/fightporn •. She goes to therapy when she can, and At the time of all this, I was about 13 years old. When my dad passed away, I didn't receive any type of life insurance money that was promised to me ($50,000) and my brother is still missing $50,000 in social security checks from my father. My dad is a hard working man, but my mom constantly yells at him and blames him for everything that goes wrong with her life, especially when she's tired and angry after work, she commands my dad like he's a dog or something. Trigger Warning: Physical Abuse. You don’t need to try to convince her why you’re doing what you’re doing. He has severe anger issues and is always yelling at everyone. My dad is who he is and it’s my responsibility to move on. Went into treatment the first time with 18. Mom left dad with AP, custody of 3 kids who weren't exactly excited to be with mom/AP on visits. K. I'm adopted by my mother's husband at the time. But has some emotional blackmailing he claim he worked all his life to provide me. The cops will help. You shouldn’t be spending any emotional energy on your abusive parents. Father beats the shit out of daughters abusive boyfriend. only thing you can do is call the police for the man. All while still being heavily abused. My husbands dad was abusive and has since been to therapy (still goes) and is now a pretty great guy. By the preteen years, we were being forced to participate in a weekly bible study, attend Wednesday and Sunday meetings, conventions, and gatherings/cookouts with the witnesses outside of the kingdom hall. What your mom chooses to do with your dad is HER business and has no bearing on what you do with your life. I wouldn't let my mother back in even then. Advice Request. Advice on dealing with a verbally abusive parent. When i speak against him everyone blame me to respect your father he worked hard for you. He has been physically (hitting, slapping, etc) and emotionally abusing me since I can remember. Please share your stories, your questions, your histories, your fears and your triumphs. 42. He used to beat mom earlier. I’ve followed stoic philosophy for several years now and am so grateful for the teachings. The part where Charlie thinks she's entering Henry's shop was a mix of her memories with Elizabeth's but it was mainly William. EVER. Also teens get the urge to rebel so when they grow up the dynamics change, while yours sort of settled at 13. He gets drunk, hurts me and my mom, forgets, apologizes, and does it Have some realistic subtext: the writer of the issue, J Michael Straczynski, actually suffered from an abusive father, who was arguably worse than the comic book version (the man was a literal Nazi). This happened when we were really young. Abusive father. Abusive Indian Father - need advice on if you’ve had similar experiences. You will get prompt and legitimate solutions over there. Recently my mam has started talking about being raped by my dad, in the probably 40 years since it happened she was finally able to tell someone. you need to talk to them both, you need to say no to him, and demand a no from your mother as well. My family was ther including my brother. I hit back my abusive dad and the man is too stunned to speak. My mother, sister, and now my daughter are also victims of this. He forms an echo chamber with his peers that rationalize their actions even though it's allowing him to attack me. Never threaten a child. Possibly emotional abuse as well. You are an accomplished adult in your own right, and regardless of his expectations for the parent-child relationship, you are now an adult, and his equal. He’s been physically abusive to her for over 25+ years (started at age 20 and stopped at age 45 after an altercation where I fought him, he called the cops on me Well the kid tried to back away and got in a defensive stance as soon as he saw his father. I have kept his ashes in my house, but I have thought about doing something with them. From the past few years he was ok but now again he has been calling extremely disgusting cuss words to my mom. i want him to come back so he can face the consequences for everything he did to me, but more importantly to my mom. Physically abusive dad may have NPD or BPD. He saw me video tapping and then continued even harsher verbal assault. Growing up, our dad was verbally and emotionally abusive to all of us. If yes plz call the 103 and report your Dad. it’s been over a year and im still struggling with the all of the shit he left behind when he died. She moved out because of how abusive and manipulative my father can be. lizard7709. when i was small i alw thought my father cus of being so educated was ahead of his family and didn think like everybody else in my dads side of the family when i grew up and started understanding things, i was purely disgusted, so my mom and my small (8 yrs younger than me) brother used to sleep tgt and my dad slept in a separate room cus of Recently, about a week ago, I admitted to myself that I am a victim of emotional abuse. Of course, it's easy to say "victim" and "abuser" when it's someone else. Verbally abusive father and enabler mother. Here are both videos. I have had my father's ashes for over a year now (he passed in 2021). When I couldn’t give my money away, my dad cursed me out and said, “Fuck you! What about me? What my job?” I cried and texted my boyfriend that night. I wont speak on it out of respect for her privacy. His mother took her own life when he was 13 and has been in therapy since. For clarity, both of my parents died My visits become less as I start and build a family of my own. Full stop. Creative expression is one way to positively cope with a history of abuse. As to why some people love their abusive parents is something I have never been able to understan. Please do not downvote my post as soon as I submit this because I need this recommendation urgently. I got my abusive father’s temper, and I often very quickly lose my temper and patience and have a short fuse, even with our pets. I’m sorry I’m gonna start going a lot into my life here, but trust me, it’s necessary. 4. he’s merely a man who provided his sperm for your mother. So a few months ago I cut my “stepfather” out of my life for good. He was a narcissist, very emotionally abusive, a pedophile a lot of very negative & awful things. He cheats on mom, gives her stds, he yells and cusses at her, he hits her, they talk divorce, he sweet talks her and promises he will get help, acts good for a bit and goes back to his old ways. we have been together since we were 15 and married since we were 18. I'm 16 years old and I've had an abusive father ever since I can remember. My father had the garage door open, and my car was parked in the driveway directly in front of the garage. The noise I heard was him throwing tools, boxes, and whatever else he could get his hands on at my car. It must be common knowledge that your father is violent. I left home 6 years ago due to my dad. Your power is in your actions. He destroyed the lives of my mother and sister especially. my dad doesn’t wash his hands. Ideally, contact a lawyer too and get a restraining order. Let’s call him Jason My brother hasn’t spoken to me since I forgave our abusive dad. When I was 9 my little sister was born and as she got older I realised I had to protect her and ended up raising her in many ways (when she Abusive Father. My Indian father (52) has been married to my mom (51) for 33 years. I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for two years, and our relationship took a turn when she told me how her father used to touch her during her high school years, how he used to exhibit his dick, but one day after getting emotionally drained, she confronted this to her mother, and everything stopped for a few years, and she thought maybe his father is now a changed man, maybe she My friends say my dad was/is abusive. You’ve got to learn to separate who you are from the crazy antics. MY ABUSIVE FATHER DIED!!! 🥳. Im sorry you’re going through this. He has hit and hurt my mother. He has come down to calling her a slut, and all the derogatory terms one can come down to. [Happy/Funny] I’m so happy for this. You emotionally abused me, neglected my physical and emotional needs and yet you expected me to respect you. I (25 year old, male) just beat up my dad. Reply reply. My dad is a piece of shit because he Is a cock, arrogant,and selfish. Just wanted to get this out. My father was in prison for almost all my childhood. It’s the kind of household where my parents should have divorced much earlier but never did. I was never good for a second, until this day he’s negative and demeaning of everybody 24/7. He wouldn't give us money, threaten to leave us, make physical threats, accusations, invalidations, bullying and harassment by his brothers and a lot more. Within the last year, whenever I talk to my mom, he'll make eye contact with her and roll her eyes at me, as if he's expecting her to agree with him. get the justice that you deserve and try to get out of the household ASAP. Sorry for the rant. He's sending me random updates and I know none of his children are talking to him. F 26 here my dad hit me mid argument and I hit him back. dy cd kq sl xx tr cf dr im au