It’s the best N64 emulation setup I’ve found. py using Python to convert the SNES ROMs to N64 ROMs. The emulators rely heavily on reverse engineering done by hobbyists, so that's the main bottleneck. He wrote a plugin for Project 64 and mupen64plus that gives the game direct access to the controller. Mikles64. N64 Hardware Modifications - Lots of useful info for doing modifications to your console, controllers, or other N64 accessories! Original xbox consoles have 64mb of ram normally. It uses the ParaLLEl-RDP graphics which are basically a pixel-for-pixel perfect representation of the N64 video output, but you can raise the internal resolution too, in the settings--if you don't care for the fuzzy 240p look. • 4 mo. And then there’s the homebrew N64 emulators, mainly Wii64 and not64. The sixth-generation console is the successor to the Nintendo 64 and competed with Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation 2 and Microsoft's Xbox. From the research I've done, the Anbernic RG350MP, Powkiddy RGB10 Max and Odroid-Go are Console goes for 100. OG 3ds is quite limited in emulator choice and performance, which makes VC the best for that system. Technically yes but the GC doesn't have the power to run it at full speed. g. Its hit and miss though I find. I've seen some work on an N64 emulator, but it wasn't quite there yet. I'm more into GBC and GBA titles, so most SBC consoles suit me. You get actual settings and options to tweak and change depending of what you want or need, a variety of controllers outside of the ones that the Wii originally supports, access to a much, much, muuuuch larger amount of consoles (and old PCs) than what the original Virtual Console has and even ignoring that, you only have a limited selection Yes actually. Worst case, you should be able to do the save fuckery with a PC. If you just want to play the base version of Majora's Mask, without any enhancements, then the Virtual Console release for Wii is probably the best 'official N64 emulation' experience out there. I've heard the OG Xbox is an emulation machine, but I've never personally used one. I use emulationstation with retroarch for most consoles (nes SNES n64 GB gbc gba psx 2600 7200 segacd sms Genesis 32x psp gg), but I use Dolphin for GC and Wii(the dolphin core for retroarch is a bit crap and won't boot my Wii backups so I launch it through dolphin proper), and pcsx2 for PS2. With the big advantage of being smaller, quieter, and less power-hungry than the other options. Consoles pre N64 are all pretty much perfectly emulated. Not only does it run retro really well (aside from N64, more on that), but with a NES or SNES classic controller everything feels very authentic. • • Edited. Hi, I've been trying to get N64 running on Raspberry Pi 5 but with no success. [deleted] •. The RGB10 Max is an rk3326 device like the Anbernic 351 series, and will not play any but the very easiest N64 games. 5. This subreddit is for all things related to the fifth generation home console the Nintendo 64! Members Online Advice for People Wanting to use a N64 on a CRT TV Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now I'm trying to find myself an emulator console that I can play old nostalgia games like Mario kart 64 Birdinhandandbush. Share. While also having the advantage of having 6 front action buttons that could help to mimic the N64 style. •• Edited. Homebrew emulators for the vast majority of things. And if you don't have the N64 controller for it - say goodbye to enjoying most of the library. Depending on your specs, GameCube emulation is even a possibility, plus older consoles like PSP and PS1 with higher than native Naked_Snake1995. 1/ Eclipse Nes, snes, gb, gbc, gba, sms, gg. RG353P/V are good options I hear. this comparison . Personally I think the Wii is one of the best. Mupen works with a handful of more. If the kernel isn’t mentioned in the config. So, I bought a N64 to GC adapter and was disappointed. Dinervc. But for strictly PS2/GC I believe the cheaper Celeron N5105 will work for most games. And unlike more modern technology, the Wii uses a fixed-function--and quite old--GPU, so approximating all the graphical effects of the N64 exactly can be difficult especially when speed is an issue. Want am all-rounder for Gameboy up to N64, PS1? RG35XX, RG351V, or 353V. (I'm on an R36S which isn't that powerful) Sort by: khedoros. Solutions are: Go to installation folder, then config folder. Check out how to emulate Nintendo Switch on PC or play Switch games on your Mac for a more contemporary gaming experience. Option 2: vWii N64 VC with injects. Almost every game on N64 feels like garbo on a not N64 controller. N64roid plays a majority of the games at a playable state. Option 1: WiiU N64 VC with injects. If you're just using the stock harddrive, use CoinsOps lite. Run rom-converter. TheAdonis666. The 0. N64 is going to be very difficult to clone. kernel=kernel8. • 1 yr. It is very laggy in some areas but it does in fact work. z64 and rom-converter. Scroll down until you see N64 with a Link next to it. With an original xbox modded with 128mb of ram, the n64 emulation is pretty nice. Or any high spec android based TV box or android Emulator. Ga. [deleted] • 3 yr. I've recently installed swiss onto my gamecube using the action replay method and am wondering if there's any way for me to get N64 games on my…. Snes: bsnes, it has lots of shaders and it probably has widescreen. However, I want to make this post for people in a similar situation as me: The best way to emulate N64 (in my opinion) is through RetroArch with appropriate shaders. I don't care much for how the screen looks, how good the speakers etc, mostly just want the best handheld for a plethora of emulators. no. GC compatibility is top notch with both, no complaints there. Emulation of the NES/SNES is usually rock solid, and you can find 100% of everything. I build a refurb 12th gen incognito gaming PC (Ideacentre 5 $240 ebay) with a wee 75w 1650 ($75 ebay). To sum it up, no, you cannot. Out of those, Project64 might be a bit easier, being built natively as a GUI program. 8. Back in 2015 when I was only thirteen and had a really weak laptop and new nothing about emulators, I downloaded dolphin because I heard it was an…. The Pi 3B+ was just powerful enough and the Pi 4 outperforms it. It's sort of a bulky setup, but a semi-recent Android phone will run N64 more consistently than any dedicated emulation handheld on the market. Personally, I wouldn't lean too much on getting the RG353VS. I got on my N64 and it felt way better. Multithreaded angrylion is both very accurate and capable of running just about any n64 game, provided you have a very, very fast processor. Just download OpenEMU. 2. all at 640x480 resolution and frame rates. Place SNES ROMs with extension . py. Just as you would use USBHelper for a regular Wii U game download a n64 Virtual Console game and place it in your Wii U games folder. List of browser based emulators. So competing at a high level is kinda pointless on emulator but you can certainly get started on it. Some of the most common cause of crashes is missing a BIOS file for a core that needs it, or having the wrong version/file name of BIOS. Overall n64oid will do you right with about 77 of the n64 games base. Best way to play is on the orig system of course but 2nd to that would probably be on Wii with wad injections. The Retroid Pocket 2 is probably the best on the market for N64 emulation in my opinion. The problem is mostly with the software; based on hardware alone the Pi can outrun an xbox. However, when you add the additional 64mb of ram, certain games and most homebrew is able to utilize that. The output ROMs will be in a new folder called out. There's different versions. N64: m64 is probably the best one, it has lots of texture mods, and the ui is pretty slick. Those games will be popular enough to see shared builds posted and likely will see source level mods. Then there’s games that reconfigure the console to do specialized tasks, nearly all N64 emulators aren’t designed to handle that. The N64 however carts can die, data can be lost and is impossible to duplicate easily. the reason why you need so much emulation power and so many hardware routes is because of the silicon graphics chip, it has no Emulation on the N64 is typically pretty shakey. The Doctor V64 (also referred to simply as the V64) is a development and backup device made by Bung Enterprises Ltd that is used in conjunction with the Nintendo 64. This is on New3ds of course. This subreddit is for all things related to the fifth generation home console the Nintendo 64! Members Online With the release of Pilot Wings 64, Mario Party, and Goldeneye on Nintendo Online, I feel I can finally retire my N64. It's basically an emulator that has MAME, Neo Geo, and some old consoles built in. basicly all n64 emulators are emulators of pc n64 emulators. The Switch emulation is pretty bad - limited, with bugs and costing you money every month or yearly. can you convert a rom to a wad to work with dolphin. That's definitely an interesting idea with Xbox. Dolphin emulates the Wii VC damn near perfectly, but the problem is that the Wii emulator is not that good. img. Wii and Wii U are solid choices as well, definitely the best choice for Wii games but N64 game compatibility is lower. ecube too. Move the GBC and N64 save files from your phone to your PC, and use a fully featured N64 emulator to do what you wanna do in Stadium, then save and transfer the files back to your phone. One being surreal 64. Only DaedalusX64 . However, we saw many reports of issues with the build-in of the emulator and the overall hardware. Probably should use an original controller. These last days, I discovered many emulators which can be played directly in Safari and then can be played with an iDevice without the need to sideload an app or to jailbreak. Other then that, they run like a champ. org or startgame. Starfox is really fun with a joystick. Ultra64. I'm not sure if any reverse-engineering has happened yet, but from my understanding the emulator is slightly modified per game to make sure each game works as best as possible, I think that's why injecting roms into different Virtual Console games has varying Pi 4 can handle N64 at full speed. N64 emulation is certainly better than using Dolphin in most cases. I am wondering what the differences between all of these are and where I can get Project64 safely because I had heard that the emulator used to be packaged with malware a lot (and I had tried this myself on a spare PC TSLPrescott. so far only hyperkin have shown a "clone" n64 which runs a n64 emulator and dumps the rom off the cart. Compatibility list Maybe slightly more hassle, but promises superior results for games that work. To me it sounds like you're new to emulation so go with either m64p or Project 64 as they are significantly easier get started with. Either the best handheld for the consoles above or best console + custom firmware to run the above consoles smoothly. I wouldn't recommend using a 3rd party USB controller, it just doesn't have the same feel as N64 controller. ) ares. Unfortunately the N64 is just a difficult system to emulate, and if the RP3 and RG353P are already stretching your budget, there just plain isn't anything cheaper that's going to do a better job. org it's for general purposes, it's the only place that it's DMCA free, plus it's one of the best place to get ROMs, that why the majority of the links from megathread are hosted in that website. Wii64 started out on the GameCube and emu_kidid is one of its authors, so take a guess. But the N64 had a TON of games that run at a low framerate (Ocarina of Time is particularly heinous). Linux is great, and it's very cheap, but the emulators on Linux are not as polished as they are on Android, stunting N64 performance especially. ca - The Ultimate Resource for anything related to N64 Development (Official Docs, Software, Tools, etc). I think 7 is the latest. Honestly my favorite all around emulation machine is the Xbox One X in developer mode, although a standard Xbox One has plenty of power to emulate consoles up to the 5th generation. mupen64. This subreddit is for all things related to the fifth generation home console the Nintendo 64! Which is exactly what people are doing here. The PSX onwards was all on discs so backups can easily be made, data from memory cards easily duplicated. Best N64 Emulator Overall: Rosalie's Mupen GUI. Currently only ROMs up to 3MB are supported. The Doctor V64 also had the ability to play Video CDs, audio CDs and had an option for applying stereo 3D effects to the audio. N64Homebrew - A sub for N64 Programming, Homebrew Discussion, & Creation. A hacked Nintendo switch is pretty good these days for single player. This will get you something like 87 N64 games running flawlessly All the big ones like No Mercy, Goldeneye, mario ParaLLEl is more accurate but Mupen support stuff like texture packs so having both gives you a lot of flexibility and compatibility. If you have a powerful computer, I would definitely recommend trying ares. JamesSDK. That was the cool thing about the old because you have to put your console in developer mode and set it up, like he mentioned in the video. These work okay and are mostly playable, but compatibility is all over the place. What is in your opinion the best android tv box/raspberry pi/micro pc model able to emulate n64/psx and lower? I'm looking for something plug and play, no need to tinker too much on settings. The library on it is vast, the console itself is portable, games are cheap to find, you can also connect gameboys to it and play. It's optimized with the most popular arcade games to fill up the harddrive. Mupen and Project64 are more or less equivalent if you are using the same video plugin. What I don't have a lot of experience with N64 emulators, but these three types seem to be the most popular: Mupen-based ( RMG, simple64, BizHawk, RetroArch, etc. See e. Otherwise though, it has been excellent for 8 and 16 bit emulation (NES, SNES, Sega Master System/Genesis, PC-Engine). Other way without buying the console, is you get something to backup your N64 games onto your computer, then play them off an emulator, that's also legal. The only thing I missed about the Nintendo 64, was the inability to play using an original N64 controller. • 5 yr. I noted some other users had managed it Go for either m64p (ParaLLEl), Mupen64Plus-Next (mupen64plus_next_libretro) or Project 64. Emulation PCs don't need to be much up until you push Xbox360 and up. Project64. Edit Project64. If you want the absolute best N64 adapter for PC / Linux / Mac, can't go wrong with the Raphnet USB adapter. For PS2 use PCSX2, it can be quite a headache to get used to but there are some great videos on YouTube. cfg and set the RunCount into -1. are abandonware so any post seeking help of these emulator will be removed because there are better options (listed in the post above). There should be a link next to it. For GameCube and Wii use dolphin, it can run on low end hardware as well. Real n64 on a hd flatscreen using a third party analog to hdmi converter, you got to find a good one and it's harder than it sound. For example Super Mario 64 emulator is allowed but it is on a separate leaderboard than N64, and any and all top runners run on console. There are still some timing bugs, more accurate cpu emulation, and emulation fixes needed still for certain games, but currently n64 emulation is in a good state. There is a recent Retro console from Polymega, it plays N64 legally if you have the cartage. You can even go crazy and use a HDMI splitter with the VGA and Component adapters. Reply. The Orange PI 5. It will play Mario and Zelda. The only caveat, like most N64 emulators is that compatibility is not 100%. The RP2S is an option but the small screen does it a disservice I think. I tried it on some racing games and the speed is excellent. A lot of people don't want to deal with that, even if it's pretty straightforward for people on this sub. Actually FBA 2012 works good for the arcade emulation of the CPS 1 & 2, Neogeo, and non dual 68000 boards. Older builds up to android 8 run better with n64oid. The X55 doesn’t seem to run the entire library at full speed. You can pick up an Xbox One for roughly the same price or less than a new Apple TV 4K. Mupen is the way to go over anything else. Genesis is picodrive standalone for og 3ds or Genesis Plus GX for non svp games and sega cd for New 3DS users. The Wii CAN play some N64, but as a whole N64 emulation is a bit shoddy. AFAIK, you need a ($2000) kit to compile your own WAD files wads from the virtual console work on dolphin. Textures can be a bit glitchy in some games, but its super fast and seems to have the best audio so far. Being able to play most of the N64 and DC libraries. GameCube. well the basic implements of pc hle plugins. Both of the consoles's games are expensive as butt, but the GameCube has more good games. WII U use CEMU. This has slightly higher compatibility than the Wii N64 VC it seems, but beware complaints about washed-out colours. In my opinion the easiest out-of-box emulator is N64oid. Anyone… Looking to get the best N64 emulator console for right now. Personally, I'd recommend installing WAD files of the Virtual Console releases of any N64 games and supplement those with games using Not64 or Wii64 depending on which emulator you I have no idea if this is related but try this, worked for me: change the kernel in the /boot/config. Welcome to r/emulators, please make sure you read the pinned post Emulators 101 before posting a problem, you should know, EPSX, ZNES, etc. Emulating a WiiU just to run emulated N64 games inside of that seems like a waste of resources and adding a lot of overhead. Reply reply. A modded PSP or Vita is also a great option. I've been wondering the same thing. I bought a cheap USB N64 controller off Amazon to try out the emulation scene, but that controller was exactly that: Cheap. I've seen some decent PSX emulation though, and NES, SNES, GBC and GBA all work fine. Not even archive. But flawlessly. But at a reduction in resolution and frame rate. On any other console, device etc. They run both Android and Linux, and they're very well built. 1. There's a dual system that plays NES and SNES carts. With an emulator, you have a single program, with a single release. The controller doesn’t have to be calibrated since using the plugin is essentially the same as plugging it directly into a N64. The best experience you are going to have will be either with RetroArch or m64p using the ParaLLEl emulator; although getting RetroArch fully set up can be a tiresome ordeal; so unless you are interested in the time I would next recommend m64p which also uses ParaLLEl-rdp and rsp cores for very very n64 accurate graphics and cpu/ram/timing emulation. At a local used game shop, they have this 3rd party system that can hold both NES and SNES games. Use an N64 emulator. Hey, go to emulator settings for N64. Best Multiplatform N64 Emulator: RetroArch. This features the new RK5888S and can do emulation pretty well up to Wii. Maybe ODIN or RP3. Sep 3, 2021 · The Polymega is an enticing all-in-one solution and while it may not have the FPGA-based bona fides of the MiSTer, it stands on its own as a viable contender for the ultimate retro gaming console Because you could pick up a mini PC and install Batocera Linux , an emulation-focused custom OS that is easy to use and meant to be navigated with a controller, and make him a neat little emulation console to plug into his TV. Project 64 is what I use and found it to be quite user friendly and compatible A lot of games emulator can be banned. most devices do not have all these features, so n64 emulation is basicly based on mhz and hardware rendering. Plus you can run a Chromecast, Bluray, or whatever else on it now. Emu Wiki for emulators. Also less messing with settings and you'll be able to run Golden eye and Perfect Dark, No Mercy etc. They are thr emulation goldmine, but with N64, there is bugs, lag, frame drops, etc. Output #1 to flat panel TV. STAY AWAY. •. Wii U has better compatibility and performance with more games than Wii and can run N64 emulation at a higher clockspeeds. Even (unofficial) software emulation is extremely lacking as it is. 8 version works okay on my N64. Please make sure that when your question is answered, change your The result was me thinking N64 would never reach accuracies seen in places like SNES and other simpler console emulation scenes. I need various test ROMs for testing CPU ops, RSP ops, video interface, etc. Every game has their own rules. Try out Standalone - Glide64MK2. It looks like Project64 and Mupen64Plus are still the two that are highest recommended. Remember to get the development version. txt, add that line in and reboot. Here is an N64/Wii/WiiU comparison video by Nintendo World Report Hi, I started writing a n64 emulator from sratch a month ago. org is not a rom site. N64 emulation on PC and Android devices are better than NSO, and also are good enough for most of library. And recommendations of this device are hard to come by. I have a picade with some N64 stuff on it. I heard that Project64 and mupen64plus are good emulators to use, but there is also project64k and modloader64 for online games. world it's listed there archive. 3. 180K subscribers in the n64 community. Get multiple different screen types going at once. A little while ago I got the itch to get back into N64 gaming, but my console (particularly, my controllers) was in pretty rough shape. Wanting more power for modern games on the go and emulation? Steamdeck. say for example i wanted to play "elmos letter…. Android is your last choice and a pretty This means searching for art, trying to delete game from Delta menu, or even opening the delta menu for the game for any reason causes a crash of the app as the app preloads the game when you do these actions. FarCryGuy55. The GameCube (Japanese: ゲームキューブ Hepburn: Gēmukyūbu?, officially called the Nintendo GameCube, abbreviated NGC in Japan and GCN in Europe and North America) is a home video game console released by Nintendo in Japan on September 14, 2001; in North America on November 18, 2001; in Europe on May 3, 2002; and in Australia on May 17, 2002. It is easy use has simple UI and good touch controls, it supports BT Controllers too. Plus, it's pretty affordable if you already have an Android phone. Or you also can type in notification code: "thank you from project64". (For clarity sake I can say with confidence it's not an issue with the roms or my computer. As the title states I am curious if the SM64 Beta Romhack B3313 would work on real N64 hardware (using the expansion pack ofc). Plus a better controller IMO. Gba: nostalgia gba, you gotta pay for features like quicksave, or screen layout, but it is actually a very good emulator. If you want good N64 emulation on PC, try using RetroArch with the Mupen64Plus-Next core and Parallel-RDP + RSP. Also would like to know their price, i'm looking to spend around 150$ at most. This uses gliden64 plugin, which is plenty Pokemon is only playable in mupen with tweaks. I've got a Beelink Sei8 with an 8th-gen i3 that I use as a dedicated Batocera machine. There's almost no configuration. Hi guys I need some help with the Nintendo 64 emulator on batocera recently when I was playing n64 games I cannot be able to access retroarch menu but other emulators like Nes and Game Boy can be access to retroarch menu by pressing Hot key and B button in n64 emulator I cannot access to retroarch menu when I'm playing can anyone please help me and tell me how I access to retroarch because the I haven't checked all of my games on the N64 or PS1 but the ones I have played like legend of Zelda ooT, banjo kazooie, WWF no mercy, goldeneye, etc all run great. Mupen64Plus has a GUI available, but it's not packaged with the main package for the emulator (the default UI is command-line interface). Previously, for Wii VC files you'd need to use 2 different tools to get the file into a format loadable by an emulator, and with DexDrive files if they contained a cart save you'd need to use a hex editor. . They can be had for around $200. true. And each version has different sub versions. While you might have to tweak games because of N64 games having a lot of custom micro code Retoarch offers probably the only single application that can play all N64 games. Members Online N64 emulator for GC picoboot Then look into CoinOps. Mupen might be better though. sfc/. The emulation is always surprisingly true to the original, and in my opinion is a great way to play old games, without needing a barrage of consoles plugged into your TV. If ares doesn't work for you, try RMG and simple64. But then again, Nintendo's own N64 emulator works perfectly with games like Yoshi's Story that have been problematic in N64 emulators for Windows. N64 files are really weird because they're either found in Wii Virtual Console format, or in DexDrive format. I didn’t tried them all so I will let you the task to test them and find the best. Gamecube. When you go into the mega thread, if you’re on mobile go to the drop down menu and press other. My 8 year old was playing OOT on his Switch and it felt so delayed. I'm just using a standard laptop but other roms I've gotten from the same place as the N64 roms have ran fine, and emulators for more powerful systems have also worked fine with zero issues) With emulation, that doesn't really matter. The PS3 hardware isn't good to translate the N64 MIPS Code efficiently enough to Emulate it, although someone its already working on a N64 via Dynarec Compiler for the PlayStation3 Hardware, it will take some time until its fully operational, the ETA is unknown, the most plausible solution at the moment for the Dolphin does not have n64 emulation. Even if the archive. It still retains the unique anti-aliasing and special N64 graphics hardware behaviors. Samsung phone + the controller of your choice. But if you look at consoles with larger libraries, I wonder how well the approach would work. Otherwise someone would have made them all by now. I have only used the raspberry Pi 3 for N64 emulation but it was quite good for most titles. Another example is Paper Mario 64 in bitelaserkhalif. It’s a very average emulator using HLE plug-ins, so pretty much where N64 emulation was about a May 17, 2024 · It seems that the N64 is therefore the hardest console to keep playing games on properly. You don't though. Nope, is very heavy for a real N64. Best N64 Emulator for Visual Accuracy: Ares. However, on paper, it is a solid In layman’s terms, it’s like most games for the N64 use a completely stock hardware setup that’s easy to emulate cheaply. N64 emulation can be problematic even on modern PCs, so running an N64 emulator on a comparatively underpowered Wii is very much down to a game by game experience. Depends on your device And depends on what games you exactly wish to play. Does the RGB30 handle it? 35xxH? Do I reach for an Odin Lite? My RP3 does well, but the slow downs in some N64 emulation make it really tough to love. For N64, there's a very limited library and many of them are beloved games. The PSP is fairly underpowered for N64 emulation, and while it shares some common architecture with the base N64 hardware making emulation possible with some titles, the PSP has difficulty emulating some of the more advanced features included in the some of the game cartridges themselves. It suffers from a myriad of issues with pretty much every game, ranging from minor gripes to completely unplayable. The mupen64plus-next core on the pi 4 is very impressive. Basically, if it’s a game available as a Virtual Console title, go with that. smc in the same folder as sodium64. Award. RG353V/VS. Also, Pokemon colliseum and xD. It seems to handle n64 games better than other emulators, such as not64 and wii64. Not64 also kept support. However if you get the retroarch emulator you get dolphin AND several other retro console emulators that includes an n64 emulator. And even when you got one on say NSO, some of the games feel really weird compared to native hardware. Official S-video cable -> retrotink 2x pro -> HDMI splitter. Just get project 64. Even the guys who cloned the NES and SNES (and did a WONDERFUL job) over at Analogue said that they have no intention of cloning 10 votes, 18 comments. protip: if you are about to use project 64, you'll find a nag screen. I have a Mayflash and it works great. ago. txt to. But if you want to have it as a TV based console try the Nvidia Shield TV Pro. Yes and I'll tell you why. I use the parallel core in retroarch with the angrylion plugin selected. It's really about the games you want to play and the performance. Any laptop will also do well given a good controller. If you’re on pc, press next on the top right until you get to the “other” part of the rom mega thread and scroll down until you see N64. . The only time my OOT crashed was on the final boss battle with Gannon (first form in castle) if you fall ALL the way down it could freeze. The devs behind that are crazy talented. Retro arch is the best all in one solution for sure these days, upto N64 at least anyway. as it's more 1-1 resolution with original hardware. You can use one of the prebuilt retail builds gamr13 puts together, follow the steps here. • 4 yr. Again, no problems with Nin64 and barely any sizeable % usage. kill3rb00ts. cfhqegsbormbmbzcjiai