Codeforces interview problem

Fox Business Outlook: Costco using some of its savings from GOP tax reform bill to raise their minimum wage to $14 an hour. 

You are given an array a a consisting of n n integers. The problem statement is -. "Do I give such a hard task?" — the HR manager thought. Student Valera is an undergraduate student at the University. You will be offered 7 problems with expected difficulties to compose an interesting competition for participants with ratings up to 1600. They are given an array of positive numbers. input. After the round, it increased to b b ( b > a b > a ). Each player in his turn picks up 2 numbers from the array such that the 1st problem. Programming competitions and contests, programming Hello! Codeforces Round 954 (Div. For each i i, you can add [li,ri] [ l i, r i] by 1, and in the segment tree, record the minimal value. Find out the minimum cost to make it a good number. Find two integers x x and y y such that l ≤ x < y ≤ r l ≤ x < y ≤ r and l ≤ LCM(x, y) ≤ r The additional Problems are awesome, you can solve it in part time ,as they are just 200 problems, not as a sprint that is at a stretch, they are more educational I would rather say but indeed they are good to learn many things as the problems are filtered and precise and small, and you would find no editorial of them so you have to hurdle your mind a lot to solve those interesting problems The sheet is. Typical Interview Problem || Educational Codeforces Round 144 (Rated for Div. They chose the biggest and the ripest one, in their opinion. Thousands of problems, including many classic ones, are featured here. By morogas, history, 4 years ago, This problem is a classic. Monocarp is a great solver of adhoc problems. memory limit per test. A road is described by a pair of integers si, ti ( 1 ≤ si, ti ≤ n; si ≠ ti) — the numbers of cities, connected by that road. Codeforces team join others in congratulating! The editors of the portal allowed to share the article on the Codeforces pages (and we are very grateful for this). I would appreciate if anyone has any thoughts or approaches! Statement. You want to make the array a a sorted by applying the following operation exactly once: choose an integer x x, then for every i ∈ [1, n] i ∈ [ 1, n], replace ai a i by |ai − x| | a i − x |. By loverBoUy , history , 16 months ago , Ik this is not the right community to raise this question but many of you guys must have given google technicaL or oa rounds. We define function f(x, l, r) as a bitwise OR of integers xl, xl + 1, , xr, where xi is the i -th element of the array x. A rectangle with its opposite corners in (0, 0) ( 0, 0) and (w, h) ( w, h) and sides parallel to the axes is drawn on a plane. It has a lot of great problems from programming competitions in Japan. Otherwise, find the highest bit where any two elements of A differ. Thus, the interview is now a string s consisting of n lowercase English letters. If you just want to solve some problem from a contest, a virtual contest is not for you - solve this problem in the archive. After that the watermelon was weighed, and the scales showed w kilos. His end of term exams are approaching and he is to pass exactly n exams. New problems will be added every now and then; the goal of the problem set is to contain a comprehensive collection of The first input line contains integer n ( 2 ≤ n ≤ 2·105) — the number of cities in Treeland. The problem is to find if it is possible to transmit a signal from source to destination under the following constrain-. Past week, i was asked this problem in an interview, i don't know the solution till now, help me with this. Again Twenty Five! The HR manager was disappointed again. Also i think it perfectly encapsulates what a educational round should be: teaching cool techniques through problem-solving. Connect y y new vertices to each of these x x vertices. INPUT- aaaaa OUTPUT- YES. Find any value of Vanya and his friends are walking along the fence of height h and they do not want the guard to notice them. For finding the path of the diameter, simply start a BFS from each node, while storing where you came from for being able to reconstruct the path. For example : if n = 3 there are 5 possible binary search trees, our program should return any one tree with equal probability (i. Given a string(S) consisting of only open & closed brackets, you need to tell the no. This is a bit overkill for the given constraints, but if M is the maximum value in A, the problem can be solved in O(N*log^2(M)) using divide-and-conquer. B. Also, he has m queries: Query number i is given as a pair of integers li, ri (1 ≤ li ≤ ri ≤ n). You need to know a bit advanced form of former four, graph theory, sorting, and binary search. The response to the query will be integer 1, if the elements of array a can be rearranged so Lastly, I tried to state the difficulty of each topic by numbers from 1 1 to 3 3 so that people can understand what are the best topics for them. In order to achieve this the height of each of the friends should not exceed h. Programming competitions and contests standard input. My solution involves storing prefix sum in set and finding prefix [i]-T value in set. A string is good if all its odd length substring are palindromes. implementation, sortings The problem is as follows : Generate a random binary search tree of 'n' nodes with equal probability. Copied submissions will be immediately rejected. The answer of the problem can't be smaller than the length of Recent codeforces contests are by far better than old contests however, so that is why you should grind down the problems from most to least recent in the problem set tab. net Interview question — Help needed. The string becomes "bce". There are N N people in a group, weight of i i 'th person is W[i] W [ i], there is a lift of capacity C C which is the maximum weight the lift can carry, everyone wants to go to the top floor via lift. 54C - First Digit Law — First Digit Law. Polycarp has interviewed Oleg and has written the interview down without punctuation marks and spaces to save time. for eg, n=3, m=3, 1 0 1. There are two types of operations that you can apply to it: Add the reversed string s s to the end of the string s s (for example, if s = s = cpm, then after applying the operation s = s = cpmmpc ). Dima and Friends. I came up with a solution of nlogn + m*n*logn but interviewer was not satisfied and wanted me to come up with nlogn + m*n solution. Fundamental topics such as loops and arrays are administrated with several ad-hoc algorithmic challenges. Check whether the string is good. Now finally Devu will perform his last song in 1 minutes. Submission: 198396729. Can anyone suggest me what can be optimised solution for this. You need to determine the maximum value of sum f(a, l, r) + f(b, l, r A box of pre-cooked food contains N dishes and each dish has 2 properties, its Protein content and its Fat content. You can select positions 1, 4, 6 1, 4, 6 first. Each barbell plate has a weight, weight [i]. The height of the i -th person is equal to Codeforces. In the bottom row, there are different sheet pages such as Faq, Topics, CF-C2. thanks for sharing. The letters' case does not matter, that is an uppercase letter is considered equivalent to the corresponding Codeforces strongly condemns this action and therefore further submissions to this problem are not accepted. Plus-Minus Split. If you've seen these problems, a virtual contest is not for you - solve these problems in the BillLee → 1976C — Job Interview My problem-solving approach Ahmed_Solyman → Rainboy red! erniepsycholone → Codeforces Round 929 (Div. The i -th road is oriented from city Google Interview Question. They all live in the city 1 1 and want to go to the party located in the city n n. 69D - Dot — Dot. Reverse the current string s s (for example, if s = s = cpm, then after applying the operation In the fourth testcase, one of the possible solutions in 2 2 operations is the following. If you've seen these problems, a virtual contest is not for you - solve these problems in the archive. "Just raise number 5 to the power of n and get last two digits of the number. We need to select a non-empty subset of these N dishes such that the ratio of total Protein content to total Fat content in these selected subset of dishes is equal to a given target T. 3) Editorial Media. Each router can transmit messages up to Euclidean distance K. Complete and consistent roadmap for newcomers: What to solve & algorithms to learn in order. A. All words that can be obtained from ogo by adding go several times to the end of Oct 6, 2023 · The first obvious solution is dp: f [mask_of_used_elements] [last_element], everything you need to recalc this dp is to find some not used element and try to add it in such way, that all conditions will be met. 1 & 2) Editorial Dominater069 → Invitation to CodeChef Starters 136 (Rated till 6-Stars) — 29nd May dmraykhan → EJOI 2024 Teams Codeforces Round 937 Div 4 Solution Discussion (with myself) + Answering Your Questions. A number N is given. By himanshu1212 , history , 3 years ago , We have to count the numbers up to N (N can be up to 10^17) such that the digits from the smallest possible permutation for example if I take N=13 then the answer would be 12 since 10 is not the smallest permutation of the digits '0' and '1'. If the height of some person is greater than h he can bend down and then he surely won't be noticed by the guard. Interesting interview problem. The relevant part here is the problem-solving part. Yesterday, I had a technical interview round with Amazon Team. Array merging. First, all the guys stand in a circle, and then B. standard output. Connect x x new vertices to this central vertex. Step 3: from 1400 (cyan) to 1600 (blue) Rating 1600, or the title "expert", requires quite a lot of algorithm knowledge. LCM Problem. Array Recovery. 27E - Number With The Given Amount Of Divisors — Number With The Given Amount Of Divisors. Then select positions 1 1 and 3 3. The maximum capacity of the barbell is maxCapacity. For example, if you meet a problem with constraint n=10 0000 and you immediately come up with a O(nlogn) solution. 21C - Stripe 2 — Stripe 2. If you have done all contests later than contest 450, you should probably start using another judge and start doing more virtual contests, but at that point you probably don One hot summer day Pete and his friend Billy decided to buy a watermelon. thenymphsofdelphi → Codeforces Round #873 (Div. Try this for each direction. Determine the maximum weight of plates that can be added to the barbell without exceeding maxCapacity. Triangles on a Rectangle. If A has fewer than two unique elements, the answer is 0. If selected, you will be alloted some interview problems and you will have to write the statement, solution, test cases and editorials for the selected problem. After the course, one should have smooth entry to Data structures and Algorithms courses. When a candidate arrives to interview, Monocarp tries to assign them to the most suitable position for them (if their programming skill is higher, then he hires them as a programmer, otherwise as a tester). You are given two integers x y, and a n by n chessboard, each square is given either black, white, or red Enter | Register. Pete and Billy are great fans of even 1st problem. Valera is a smart guy, so he will be able to pass any exam he takes on his first try. 2) Interview problem for PhD in Algorithms and AI (Washington, DC) Revision en3, by yaroslavtsev, 2024-05-08 17:44:40 Can this commonly asked interview problem be solved for tighter constraints? An athlete is lifting weights. binary search My First Sorting Problem . You are given two arrays a and b of length n. In the morning they decided that they need to clean the place. There are 3 possibilities: It hits the corner, r = n r = n and c = m c = m: Change direction to UL U L. However, there is a slight difference between solving codeforces problems and solving interview problems. Defining substring For a string P with characters P1, P2 ,…, Pq, let us denote by P [i, j] the substring Pi, Pi+1 ,…, Pj. Before the last stage of the exam, the director conducted an interview. There is a filler word ogo in Oleg's speech. Note the graph may also be disconnected ( there And i got this problem, your solution is correct ( partially) Basically for each node keep a list of values co prime to it Then use this vector<pair<int,int>> stc[] , when u visit a node (say src) at level (say level) with value (say v[i]) , insert it like this Codeforces. → Pay attention Today, I had a discussion with my friend. if k=2, then we will toggle column 2 and 3 once and we will get rows 1 and 3 with 1 1 1 and 1 1 1 i. +8. The interview is dedicated to the victory in the “Science and Life” category of the "TOP 50. Each router will shut down after transmitting a message. All letters in it are the same, since it's just one letter. CF-C1, C2 are (Codeforces Div2 C problems (or similar level from other OJs), but from easy to hard). The diameter problem can't be solved in a general graph with a better complexity than O(n^2) (the 2-bfs algorithm only works in Trees). #help , #interviews , #trees. New problems will be added every now and then; the goal of the problem set is to contain a comprehensive collection of Stepavly → Codeforces Round #610 (Div. You need to try your best to optimize your approach and show the steps and the way you thinking to the interviewers. 2) Editorial amin_2008 → EGOI 2024 Teams BledDest → Educational Codeforces Round 155 — Editorial Codeforces. BillLee → 1976C — Job Interview My problem-solving approach Ahmed_Solyman → Rainboy red! erniepsycholone → Codeforces Round 929 (Div. Interview problem for PhD in Algorithms and AI (Washington, DC) Автор yaroslavtsev , история , 6 недель назад , Hi all, Each test case is specified by two lines. Yes, of course, n can be rather big, and one cannot find the power using a Interview bit Problem. Example. Another alternatives is to use pbds or bbst and then solve them in O(n log(n)). Codeforces. Codeforces Round 909 (Div. Besides, he can take several exams on one day, and in any order. Dec 17, 2023 · Codeforces. An interview problem On permutations. It is supported only ICPC mode for virtual contests. The last applicant failed the interview the same way as 24 previous ones. Programming competitions and contests, programming community Job Interview . e. † † A merge of two arrays results in an array c c Make sure the problem statement, solution, test cases and editorials are all your own work and original. By csacademy, 8 years ago, Codeforces. Eugeny has array a = a1, a2, , an, consisting of n integers. You have to find the maximum length of a subarray consisting of equal values across all arrays c c that could be obtained. Thus, the probability is 1 and A = B = 1. You are given two integers l l and r r. He was asked below mathematical problem in his SDE interview by the technical team. Determine M M, where M M is the minimum times lift must be used by the group so that everyone is able to go to the top floor. 3 3 — If your rating is 2400+ 2400 +. Hi codeforces community, I have been preparing for interview round for placements. For an array of non-negative integers a a of size n n, we construct another array d d as follows: d1 =a1 d 1 = a 1, di =|ai −ai−1| d i = | a i − a i − 1 | for 2 ≤ i ≤ n 2 ≤ i ≤ n. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ru magazine. Home; Top; Catalog; Contests; Gym; Problemset; Groups; Rating May 8, 2024 · Before contest Codeforces Round 953 (Div. Quality problems, quality constest. For example, LCM(13, 37) = 481 L C M ( 13, 37) = 481, LCM(9, 6) = 18 L C M ( 9, 6) = 18. Virtual contest is a way to take part in past contest, as close as possible to participation on time. Hello I was asked this problem in an interview. implementation, sortings The probability that 2 people have the same birthday among 2 people is clearly , so A = 1, B = 8. To decide who exactly would clean the apartment, the friends want to play a counting-out game. You are given two arrays a a and b b both of length n n. A snowflake graph is generated from two integers x x and y y, both greater than 1 1, as follows: Start with one central vertex. However, all of you who wish to take part and have a rating of 1600 or higher, can register for the round unofficially. Problem: Given a graph in which each node Google interview questions. Dima and his friends have been playing hide and seek at Dima's place all night. net interview, I have been thinking along the lines of Dijkstra but trying to be greedy in Dijkstra can end up giving no solutions, so I can't come up with a clear way of solving it. Debajyoti has a very important meeting to attend and he is already very late. 2nd problem. (I won't tell you what university it was. They rushed home, dying of thirst, and decided to divide the berry, however they faced a hard problem. Then, use two-pointers + Segment tree. s represents an array a of length n defined by ai = 1 if si = " + " and ai = − 1 if si = " - ". Little Petya loves presents. The strings consist of uppercase and lowercase Latin letters. I got this question in one of my interviews. Problem. 1/5). But, he was not able to come up with any solution of that problem. Total time spent is 5 + 2 + 10 + 2 + 10 + 1 = 30 minutes. 2 2 — If your rating is 1900 − 2399 1900 − 2399. It hits the side first, r < n r < n and c = m c = m: Change direction to DL D L. Let me state the problem statement clearly, "You're given an undirected weighted graph consisting of N nodes and E edges and all the weights are unique ( meaning no weights will have duplicates ). You are given a string s of length n consisting of characters " + " and " - ". He wrote both values one after another to not forget them. → Virtual participation. Harsh, his driver, needs to take Debajyoti to the destination for the meeting as fast as possible. Sth like f [mask_of_used_elements | new_element] [new_element] += f [mask_of_used_elements] [last_element] The answer is sum of f [2^n At least one small case where this code seems to fail is on input $$$2, 1, 1$$$, you generate the permutation $$$1, 1, 2$$$ two times: in the first way, you make the swaps $$$2, 1, 1$$$ -> $$$1, 2, 1$$$ -> $$$1, 1, 2$$$, and in the second, the swaps $$$2, 1, 1$$$ -> $$$1, 1, 2$$$. Later, when he discussed that with me. You have to return interweaving positions of x and y in S with noise symbol positions (which are not part of x and y). Same for CF-D1, D2, D3. 256 megabytes. There are n n cities through which they can travel. → Pay attention monmonhhhhjj → Codeforces needs a faster grading system Dominater069 → Invitation to CodeChef Starters 136 (Rated till 6-Stars) — 29nd May bgopc → Beautiful problems I enjoyed solving [Pt. -4. 3) Finished. ) However, I couldn't come up with an effective solution. → Pay attention Interview Question — An interesting Graph problem. There is no way of organizing Devu's all songs. You are given a list of lattice points such that each point lies on a side of a rectangle but not in its corner. It is ok A. Petersburg" award of the Sobaka. 2] We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Can you share some problem from your oa rounds or technical rounds? It would be a great help for me and for others peeps who are preparing for interviews. output. The string becomes "c". Let LCM(x, y) L C M ( x, y) be the minimum positive integer that is divisible by both x x and y y. Harsh needs to pick up Debajyoti from his home and take him Problem - 1899D - Codeforces. INPUT- xyz OUTPUT- NO. Project building skills. I came across these 2 problems which I have not been able to solve for the past 2 days. standard input. → Pay attention Before contest Codeforces Round 938 (Div. You will do the following process to calculate your penalty: denotes array concatenation. An Interview Problem Автор Misa-Misa , история , 6 месяцев назад , Past week, i was asked this problem in an interview, i don't know the solution till now, help me with this. Then Churu cracks 2 jokes in 10 minutes. Programming competitions and contests, programming community Help with interview problem. All of Slavic's friends are planning to travel from the place where they live to a party using their bikes. Hence the answer is -1. If you are unsure how interactive problems work, then it is recommended to read the guide for participants. of ways to assign each bracket as ‘X’ or ‘Y’ such that when you traverse the string from left to right, the 2 strings formed by each ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are both balanced. Now Petya wants to compare those two strings lexicographically. all 1’s so answer is 2 as there That is why every candidate needs to pass through the interview that consists of the following problem. You are given an array of N strings, A1, A2 Interview problem doubt — 2. And they all have a bike except Slavic. Next n - 1 lines contain the descriptions of the roads, one road per line. It hits the bottom first, r = n r = n and c < m c < m: Change direction to UR U R. In this round, I asked to solve one famous DP problem with some modifications. Rating Increase. 3) Editorial Sorry for my English. By kstheking , history , 4 years ago , This is a question asked in Media. Then, there is also a new problem set called CSES Problem Set. The array is sorted if a1 ≤a2 ≤ ⋯ ≤ an a 1 ≤ a 2 ≤ ⋯ ≤ a n. The second line contains n n positive integers a1,a2, …,an a 1, a 2, …, a n ( 1 ≤ai ≤ n 1 ≤ a i ≤ n ), where ai a i is the size of the paint charge in the i i -th cell from the left Gagandeep98 → Stuck On CSES Problem Counting Paths: Please Provide Any Hint vaaven → Codeforces Round 953 (Div. The first version of the problem set is available here. 2) maomao90 → Breaking the 100 point barrier for IOI 2010 Maze Aizu online judge is a contest platform and problem archive hosted by The University of Aizu. Given a set of N routers in 2-D coordinate, a source router, a destination router. 95E - Lucky Country — Lucky Country. You will merge † † these arrays forming another array c c of length 2 ⋅ n 2 ⋅ n. This is an interactive problem. 11D - A Simple Task — A Simple Task. The Most Famous People of St. Again, you need to study these algorithms, the methods are similar to that of the cyan, but search them in the 1500~1700 range 256 megabytes. Q1) A and B play a game. . A binary matrix of nxm was given, you have to toggle any column k number of times so that you can get the maximum number of rows having all 1’s. The penalty of a single array is the absolute value of its Problem-solving skills. ★★☆ UVa: An old-school problem archive / online judge with rich history. 3) 29:35:05 Register now 75D - Big Maximum Sum — Big Maximum Sum. Interview with Oleg. In the second sample case, there are only 21 = 2 days in Udayland, but there are 3 people, so it is guaranteed that two of them have the same birthday. Consider the second example. 3) will start at Jun/23/2024 17:35 (Moscow time). OO Design skills. The first one contains an integer n n ( 1 ≤ n ≤ 100 1 ≤ n ≤ 100) — the number of cells in the strip. 2)#codeforcessolutions #codeforces Codeforces. His mum bought him two strings of the same size for his birthday. Your task is to restore the array a a from a given array d d, or to report that there are multiple possible arrays. Problem Statement: Given three strings S, x, and y. It contains a collection of problems which can be used to practice the techniques explained in the books. Interview Problem. Recently, he participated in an Educational Codeforces Round, and gained rating! Monocarp knew that, before the round, his rating was a a. Constraints 1<=|s|<=40. You are given a string s s and an even integer n n. Defining longest common prefix LCP (S1, S2 ,…, SK), is defined as largest possible integer j such that S1 [1, j] = S2 [1, j] = … = SK [1, j]. For example, below is a snowflake graph for x = 5 x = 5 and y = 3 y = 3. The distribution is as follows: 1 1 — If your rating is 1600 − 1899 1600 − 1899. 1 0 0. As a result, Dima's place got messy. Programming competitions and contests, programming community. Each integer ai equals to -1, or to 1. → Pay attention I was asked an interesting problem on an university interview. 41D - Pawn — Pawn. It's easy to downplay the meaningfulness of Expert when Codeforces has so many titles above it, but I think it's important to put things into perspective: it's a skill the vast majority of professionals don't have even at Google, whose interview process is famously (or perhaps infamously, for those who disagree with the standard output. Also, there are at least two points on every side of a rectangle. Help needed with a hard facebook interview problem Автор Romok007 , история , 4 года назад , Given a binary tree, return the minimum number of edits to make the value of each node equal to the average of its direct children's. I think I was able to solve 1st part of the problem, but I too got stuck on the 2nd part. You can solve it from the rightmost element using fenwick/segment tree + binary search in O(n log^2(n)). uh is kv aq kf ny av at wl dd